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Alchemy Formulas > Sticky Sun Walkthrough

Making sticky sun -- Step by step

I suggest you trade for the spirits to start. This is enough for now in a step by step guide, I think, without adding distillation to the steps here.

To make the Reducing Agent, take one Cobra Venom, one Lime (er, the mineral not the fruit), and 400 Water in Jugs to and Alchemist's Bench and click on "Mix Batch of Reducing Agent".


Buildings you need to use

Skills Needed

Making the Base Tinctures

For this recipe, you will make three kinds of base tinctures: "Bn", "Cp", and "Pz".

Base tinctures are made in the assimilation bath. Grain spirits are added to the bath, three ingredients are added, and the bath is sealed for five minutes.

For the first example, to make Bn, take into inventory Grain Spirits of Water, Camel Milk, Lithium Ore, and Charcoal.

My preference is to take the exact amount of the ingredients into inventory, because then you can check it before adding it to the assimilation bath. There is no way to fix it if you add the wrong amount to the bath; you have to throw the batch out. However, the correct amount of spirits (7) is always pulled directly from your inventory.

So to make Bn, have in inventory:

At the assimilation bath, click on Add Spirits and select Grain Spirits of Water. Seven of these spirits will be removed from you inventory.

Next you can click on "Add Component of Moon" and are shown a submenu with qualifying items from your inventory. This should include Charcoal. Select it and you will be asked how many to add. You want to add 7. This is repeated for Component of Stars (add 6 Lithium Ore), and Component of Sun (add 3 Camel Milk).

Once these are all added, click on "Seal the Bath". After 5 minutes, you can return and take 50 Bn tinctures.

To make "Cp", repeat the above, except:

This will give you 50 Cp.

To make "Pz", repeat the above, except:

This will give you 50 Pz.

Mixing the Tinctures at the Alchemist's Bench

The Alchemist's Bench needs to have petroleum in it to operate. It can hold up to 120 petroleum.

You should have in inventory some each of Bn, Cp, Pz, and Reducing Agent.

You will probably want to pin the menu of the Alchemist's Bench. At the Alchemist's Bench click on "Mix ..." and it will show the base tinctures that you have in inventory. (I usually like to pin this menu too.)

The compound tincture we are making is BnBnPz. Here is the process.

  1. Click on "Cp" from the "Mix..." menu and add one Cp base tincture to the bench. Cp will appear in the box at the bottom of the Alchemist's Bench menu.
  2. Click on "Pz" from the "Mix..." menu and add one Pz base tincture to the bench. Pz will appear in the box at the bottom of the Alchemist's Bench menu.
  3. Wait until the Cp and Pz combine into a compound, CpPz, on a single line in the box at the bottom of the Alchemist's Bench menu.
  4. Now click on "Inject reducing agent from the bottom" on the Alchemist's Bench menu. (NOTE: Do not use "Sprinkle Reducing Agent on top" menu choice.) When you do this, either the CpPz will disappear from the compound.
  5. If Cp remains, click "Dump out the Flask" and go back to the first step. If Pz remains, continue.
  6. Click on "Bn" from the "Mix..." menu and add one Bn base tincture to the bench.
  7. Wait until the Bn and Pz combine into a compound, BnPz, on a single line.
  8. Click on "Bn" from the "Mix..." menu and add one Bn base tincture to the bench.
  9. Wait until the Bn and BnPz combine into a compound, BnBnPz, on a single line.
  10. Click "Filter the Precipitate" on the Alchemist's Bench menu. The BnBnPz tincture will appear in your inventory.

You will now have made one BnBnPz, which will convert 300 Flower Fertilizer into 300 Sticky Sun Flower Fertilizer.

Applying the Tincture

Fertilizer conversion tinctures are used at an Alchemist's bench. To use the tincture, go to an Alchemist's Bench with the tinctures and the flower fertilizer you want to convert in inventory. Click on "Use Tincture..." which will show a list of tinctures from your inventory. Select BnBnPz. You will be asked how many multiples of "Convert Flower Fertilizer to Sticky Sun (300)" you wish to use. When you use it, the tincture is removed from your inventory and the fertilizer in your inventory is converted.

(More accurately Grain Spirits of Water or better. Better= Grain Spirits of Ra, Life, Air, Fire; NOT Grain Spirits of Earth. However, Grain Spirits of Water are the most common type, and are most likely what you will use.)

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Last edited June 14, 2004 9:41 pm by Solalique (diff)