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Alchemy Formulas Flat

Alchemical Formulas, stored all on one page for when you know what result you want, you know the relative costs of the tinctures, and you just want to get to the recipes ASAP. Same data as the Alchemy_Formulas page. Information from Alchemy Formulas

How to Make the Tinctures (Ingredients)

Sun Stars Moon
-15 Af -154 Slaves Bread 7 Copper Ore 2 White Sand
-2 Bn 6 3 Camel Milk 6 Lithium Ore 7 Charcoal
-9 Bt 17 3 Sand Spore 6 Iron Ore 6 Silt
-13 Cn 2 7 Eye of Osiris 1 Copper Ore 5 Gypsum
1 Cp 10 7 Abdju 1 Lead Ore 4 Saltpeter
-4 Di 20 2 Toad Skin 7 Iron Ore 4 Coal
-15 Dm -1 1 Salt Water Fungus 7 Gold Ore 5 Bauxite
7 Ek 19 6 Eye of Osiris 4 Lithium Ore 3 Charcoal
5 Fa 19 6 Cabbage 7 Aluminum Ore 2 Bauxite
-14 Fd 3 1 Dead Tongue 7 Lead Ore 2 Lime
-1 Fy 6 5 Salt Water Fungus 1 Aluminum Ore 4 Potash
-12 Gb 20 4 Abdju 7 Red Sand 2 Petroleum
-10 Gu 5 7 Phagrus 3 Zinc Ore 3 Crushed Egg Shells
3 Hp 16 3 Garlic 5 Copper Ore 7 Potash
-3 Hr 11 7 Perch 2 Lead Ore 1 Potash
-14 Hy 7 4 Carp 1 Red Sand 5 Crushed Egg Shells
3 Ib 19 5 Hairy Tooth 7 Red Sand 3 Saltpeter
-20 Ig -13 2 Heart of Ash 1 Red Sand 3 Gypsum
-15 Ot -6 4 Hairy Tooth 4 Copper Ore 6 Sulfur
-17 Pn -10 1 Carp 4 Zinc Ore 2 Saltpeter
-10 Pz -7 6 Colt's Foot 1 Tin Ore 2 Petroleum
-9 Qr 1 6 Camel Meat 3 Gold Ore 1 Petroleum
-6 Rd 20 6 Phagrus 4 Lithium Ore 6 Charcoal
-20 Rv 6 5 Dung Rot 1 Aluminum Ore 5 Gypsum

Transmutational Formulas:

Lead to Gold (1)

 [HyPz] Hy -14:7 +Pz -10:-7 = HyPz -14:-10

[Straight mix. Very cheap.]

 [CnGuPn] - (GuOtHpHrHr!!!!CnPn(50%))
 Congrats Gumby on this great find! 

Gold to Lead (1)



Coal to Angels Stone

6.4:1 (45->7)


 [DiPzGb] Gb-Rv-Ot-Hp-Di-Rv-Pz
 [Di(Hp)(Ot)(Rv)(Rv)!!!!] ?
 Di: + [PzGb] = DiPzGb
 Rv: + [Ot] = OtRv - Green -> Red Glowers (60)
     + [GbHr] = GbRvHr - Green -> Red Glowers (60)
     + [OtFa] = FaOtRv - Enrich Flower Fertilizer (100)
     + [OtGb] = GbOtRv - Ash -> Potash (1)
     + [PzFa] = FaPzRv - Green -> Red Glowers (60)
 Hp: + [Pz] = Low Explosives - Standard Yield
     + [DiOt] = Ash -> Potash(1)
 Ot: + [DiFa] = DiOtFa = Deep Enrich Flower Fertilizer (100)
     + [FaDi] = DiFaOt = Green -> Red Glowers (60)

11:1 (55->5)



25:1 (75->3)




62.5:1 (125->2)



175:1 (175->1)

 [AfBtFy], [AfCpCp], [AfCpPn], [AfOtDm], [HrPz]

250:1 (250->1)

 [AfGbDm], [AfGbRv], [AfPnBt], [AfRvOt], [BtIg], [FdIg]

 [AfRdHp] - (BnRdHpAf!)
 Congrats Gumby on this great find! 

Lead to Arsenic

80:1 (80->1)

 [IbPz]  +Ib3:19  +Hr-3:11  !Reduce  +Pz-10:-7
 Can also use Bn, Di, or Rv  instead of Hr.

Glower Alchemy Recipes

Yellow->Green Glowers (100)

 [CpGu] +Cp 1:10 +Gu -10:5 = CpGu 1:5

 [BnQr] +Bn -2:6 +Qr -9:1 = BnQr -9:6

 [BnRd] +Bn -2:6 +Rd -6:20 = BnRd -2:20

 [EkOt] +Ek 7:19 +Ot -15:-6 = EkOt -15:19

 [GuHr] +Gu -10:5 +Hr -3:11 = GuHr -3:5

 [HpHr] +Hp 3:16 +Hr -3:11 = HpHr 11:16

 [DmFa] +Dm -15:-1, +Fa 5:19 [???]

 [BnFd] +Bn -2:6, +Fd -14:3 [???]

Green->Yellow Glowers (90)

 [CpFy] +Cp 1:10 +Fy -1:6 = CpFy 6:10

 [BnCp] +Bn -2:6 +Cp 1:10 = BnCp 6:10

Green->Red Glowers (60)

 [OtRv] +Ot -15:-6 +Rv-20:6 = OtRv -20:-15

 [DmPn] +Dm -15:-1, +Pn -17:-10 [???]

 [GbRvHr] +Gb -12:20 +Rv -20:6 = GbRv -12:6
          GbRv -12:6 +Hr -3:11 = GbRvHr -3:6         

 [BnDi] [(Cp)(Gu)!Bn!] 
         +Cp 1:10 +Gu -10:5 = (CpGu 1:5 - Y-G Glower tincture)
         CpGu !Reduce
           Cp 1:5 +Bn -2:6 = (BnCp 5:6 - G-Y Glower tincture)
             BnCp !Reduce
               Bn 5:6 +Di -4:20 = BnDi 6:20 - G-R Glower tincture
               Cp 5:6: Bad result
           Gu 1:5 +Bn -2:6 = (BnGu 5:6)
             BnGu !Reduce
               Bn 5:6 +Di -4:20 = BnDi 6:20 - G-R Glower tincture
               Gu 5:6: Bad result
             BnGu 5:6 +Di -4:20 = BnGuDi 6:20 - High Explosive tincture           

 [DiFaOt] +Di -4:20, +Fa 5:19, +Ot -15:-6 [???]

 [DmQrOt] +Dm -15:-1, +Qr -9:1, +Ot -15:-6 [???]

Red->Blue Glowers(40)

 [BtFa] Fa-Ot-Hp-Hr-Pn-Bt
 [(Ot)(Hp)(Hr)(Pn)!!!Bt!] ?
 Bt: + [Fa] = BtFa
 Hp: + [Fy] = FyHp - Emerald Fracture  (not recommended)
 Hr: + [Gu] = GuHr - Yellow->Green Glowers (90) 
 Ot: + [BnFd] = BnOtFd - Ash->Potash (1)
  or + [(Rv)!DiFa] = DiOtFa - Green->Red Glowers (60)
 Pn: + [Fa] = FaPn - Potash Catalyst

 [CpGb] Cp-Pn-Hr-Hp-Gb
 [Cp(Pn)(Hr)(Hp)!!!] ?
 Cp: + [Gb] = CpGb
 Pn: + [Dm] = DmPn - Green->Red Glowers (60)
 Hr: too bad :( 
 Hp: + [BnRd] = BnHpRd - Liquid Sun Fertilizer (100)

 [CpFyQr] [[FyQr]Cp]
          +Fy -1:6 +Qr -9:1 = (FyQr -9:6)
          FyQr -9:6 +Cp 1:10 = CpFyQr 1:6

 [IbPn] [Ib(Hr)!Pn]
          +Ib 3:19, + Hr-3:11 = HrIb 11:19 
          HrIb !Reduce
            Ib 11:19 + Pn -17:-10
              IbPn -17:19 = Red->Blue Glowers (40)
            Hr 11:19 + Gu -10:5
              HrGu 5:19 = Yellow->Green Glowers (90)

Red->Orange (40)

 [EkPzHp] HrPz!EkHp

Fertilizer Recipes:

Enrich Flower Fertilizer

Converts Flower Fertilizer->Liquid Sun Fertilizer


 [BtFy] +Bt -9:17, +Fy -1:6 [???] - This is Quartz Glue!

 [EkRd] +Ek 7:19 +Rd -6:20 = EkRd 19:20






 [BnCpGu] [[BnCp]Gu]
        +Bn -2:6 +Cp 1:10 = (BnCp 6:10 - G-Y Glower tincture)
        BnCp 6:10 +Gu -10:5 = BnCpGu 5:6 - Enrich Fertilizer (300)



Deep Enrich Flower Fertilizer

Converts Flower Fertilizer->Sticky Sun Fertilizer


 [OtOt] (preferred)


 [DiOtFa] RvOt!DiFa



 [GbIg] +Gb -12:20 +Ig -20:-13 





 [BnBnPz] (Cp)Pz!BnBn 50%


 [EkIg] +Ek 7:19 +Ig -20:-13

 [BtRd] Bt-Cp-Bn-Rd
 [(Cp)(Bn)!Rd!] ?
 Rd: + [Bt] = BtRd - Deep Enrich Fertilizer (500)  (50%)
 Bn: + [GuDi] = BnGuDi - High Explosive, Standard Yield  (25%)  OR  Bn + [Gu] ! + Di = BnDi - Green to Red Glowers
 Cp: + [Gu] = CpGu - Yellow->Green Glowers (90)  (25%)





Potash Related

Ash->Potash (1)

 [DiHpOt] Di-Hp-Ot: = DiHpOt





Ash->Potash (2)


 [BnQrOt] Bn-Qr-Ot: = BnQrOt


 [HyRdOt] Hy-Rd-Rv-Ot:
 [Hy(Rd)(Rv)!] ?
 HyRv: + [Ot] = HyRvOt - Improved Potash Catalyst
 HyRd: + [Ot] = HyRdOt - Ash->Potash (2)


Potash Catalyst


 [FaPn] (also PnFa?) Fa-Ot-Hp-Hr-Pn
 [(Ot)(Hp)(Hr)!!Pn!] ?
 Pn: [Fa] = FaPn - Potash Catalyst
 Hp: + [Fy] = FyHp - Emerald Fracture  (not recommended)
 Hr: + [Gu] = GuHr - Yellow->Green Glowers (90) 
 Ot: + [BnFd] = BnOtFd - Ash->Potash (1)
  or + [BtFa] = BtOtFa - Ruby Fracture  (not recommended)
  or + [(Rv)!DiFa] = DiOtFa - Green->Red Glowers (60)


Improved Potash Catalyst

 [HyRvOt] Hy-Rd-Rv-Ot:
 [Hy(Rd)!] ?
 Hy: + [RvOt] = HyRvOt - Improved Potash Catalyst
 Rd: + [Bn] = BnRd - Yellow->Green Glowers (90)


 [HyRvOt] Hy-Rd-Rv-Ot:
 [Hy(Rd)(Rv)!] ?
 HyRv: + [Ot] = HyRvOt - Improved Potash Catalyst
 HyRd: + [Ot] = HyRdOt - Ash->Potash (2)





Gem Glues/Fractures

Quartz Glue

 [BnFaOt] Fa-Ot-Hp-Bn:
 [(Hp)Ot!] ?
 Ot: + [FaBn] = BnFaOt - Quartz Glue
 Hp: + [Hr] = HpHr - Yellow->Green Glowers (90)
 or + [Fy] = FyHp - Emerald Fracture (not recommended)



Topaz Glue

 [BnFy] Bn-Cp-Qr-Fy:
 [(Cp)(Qr)!Bn!] ?
 Bn: + [Fy] = BnFy - Topaz Glue
 Cp: Too bad :(
 Qr: + [BnOt] = BnQrOt - Ash->Potash (2)

Sapphire Glue

 DiDiIb Hp-Ot-Rv-Di-Ib-Di
 [(Hp)(Ot)(Rv)Di!!!] ?
 Di: + IbDi (50%) - Sapphire Glue
 Hp: ?
 Ot: ?
 Rv: ?

Ruby Glue

 possible formulae:
 BtCpFyRdPnHr!!!!!CnRv  50%
 cp bn rd !! bt pn hr !!! cn rv  (~ 30%)

Diamond Glue



Emerald Glue

 [GbPnIg] Gb(HrHp)!!Pn,Ig

Emerald Fracture

 [FyHp] [[Hp(Ot)]!Fy]
          +Hp 3:16 +Ot -15:-6 = (HpOt -6:3)
          HpOt !Reduce
            Hp -6:3 +Fy -1:6 = FyHp -1:3 - Emerald Fracture
            Ot -6:3: [???]


Ruby Fracture

 [BtOtFa] Bt-Pn-Hr-Hp-Ot-Fa: [[[(Pn)(Hr)(Hp)]!!Bt]!OtFa] = BtOtFa - Ruby Fracture


Topaz Fracture

 [DiQr] Di-Hp-Dm-Qr: [[[(Hp)(Dm)]!Di]!Qr] = DiQr

 [DiHpHy] +Di -4:20, +Hp 3:16, +Ot -15:-7+Hy -14:7 :[[(Di)(Hp)(Ot)]!Hy] = DiHpHy

Sapphire Fracture

 [FyOtRd] Cp-Gu!Fy!Ot-Rd
 [(Cp)(Gu)!Rd!] ?
 Rd: + [OtFy] = FyOtRd - Sapphire Fracture
 Cp: + [Bn] = ? - Green->Yellow Glowers (90)
 Gu: + [Dm] = ? - Ash->Potash (2)







Diamond Fracture

 [FyRvQr] Qr-Fy-Rd-Rv: [(Rd)Rv!QrFy] = FyRvQr (This doesn't always work)




Quartz Fracture

 Possible formula
 [Ot(Rv)!] ?
 Ot: + [RdEt] - Quartz Fracture



High Explosive, Standard Yield

 [BnGuDi] [(Cp)Gu!BnDi] 
         +Cp 1:10 +Gu -10:5 = (CpGu 1:5 - Y-G Glower tincture)
         CpGu !Reduce
           Cp 1:5 +Bn -2:6 = (BnCp 5:6 - G-Y Glower tincture)
             BnCp !Reduce
               Bn 5:6 +Di -4:20 = (BnDi 6:20 - G-R Glower tincture) (25%)
               Cp 5:6: Bad result  (25%)
           Gu 1:5 +Bn -2:6 = (BnGu 5:6) +Di -4:20 = BnGuDi 6:20 - High Explosive tincture  (50%)

 [BnQrHr] +Bn -2:6, +Qr -9:1, +Hr -3:11 [???]

 [PnRvRd] +Pn -17:-10, +Rv -20:6, +Rd -6:20 [???]




Low Explosive, Standard Yield

 [DiIb] +Di -4:20 +Ib 3:19 = DiIb 19:20

 [HyRvPn] (+Hy -3:11, +Rv -20:6), +Pn -17:-10 [???]

 [BtHrGb] (+Bt -9:17, +Hr -3:11), +Gb -12:20 [???]


Brimstone Catalyst, Left

 [CnOtHp] (+Cn -13:2, +Ot -15:-6), +Hp 3,16 [???]

 [FyOtOt] +Fy -1:6, +Ot -15:-6, +Ot -15:-6 [???]




Brimstone Catalyst, Right



(See Also: Alchemy Formulas Alchemy)

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Last edited May 23, 2004 1:26 am by Somebob (diff)