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Chat Commands

This is a collection of chat commands that you can perform while in the game and what they are used for.

/af <name>
Adds a friend to your Friends list (displayed with F11).
Toggle 'AFK' (Away From Keyboard) mode.
/chat <name>
Opens up a chat channel with the specified user.
Display the crowding percentage of your current location in your Main chat channel.
/egyptmail <name>
Opens up a message box to egyptmail someone.
/info <name>
Gives information about a person.
/join <name>
Join microphone channel <name>
Logs you out and returns you to the login screen
/me <msg>
Does an 'emote' send to the currently selected chat tab. Same as '!'. Emotes are not picked up by microphones.
/password <oldpass> <newpass> <newpass>
Change your password
Quits the client
/rf <name>
Removes a friend from your friends list (displayed with F11).
/squelch <name>
Hides messages from the person.
/tell <name> <msg>
Whispers a message to someone in their Main chat channel.
Display the current Egypt time in your Main chat channel.
/tpban <name>
Ban someone from a trading post, must have admin permissions.
/tpjoin <name>
Join trading post channel (you must have visited it first).
/tpremove <name>
Removes a person from the trade channel.
/tpunban <name>
Unban a person from a trading post, must have admin permissions.
List who is in the current trading post.
Puts a timestamp before each message on your chat channels. Repeat it to remove the timestamp. The timestamp indicates the amount of time that has passed since the message was printed.
/unsquelch <name>
Unhides messages from a person
/webpass <site> <password>
Change your password for fansite <site>. Currently, the only valid site is The login data passed to, however, is currently also used by this Wiki to validate users. Handy!

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Last edited March 18, 2004 8:19 am by Somebob (diff)