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Contest Of Seven

Important: To participate in this contest, you must first complete the Naming Procedure, explained under the Contest of Thought. The contest will end 1pm EST (GMT-0500) Sunday 30th November

The Contest of Seven: Earn Sapphire Teardrops in each of the Seven Disciplines of Man. The top 49 collectors of Sapphire Teardrops earn prizes, selected from a pool, in order.

The Naming Procedure: Before you begin any of the contests, you must complete the Naming Procedure. Name six Silent Friends using the Contest of Seven menu item on their character. Once you have finished, use the "End the Naming Procedure" menu item on your own character. Understand the Contest of Thought to develop strategies selecting your Silent Friends.


The people with the top 50 scores, by total number of Sapphire Teardrops, will get to chose one prize from the following list.

In addition, there are 7 smaller prizes for the top in each discipline. They may include Black Syrup Fertilizer, an Altar in your choice of location, Packages of rare spices, and exotic glowers, baskets of Cobras, Specimen cases, and other goodies.

The Tests

The Contest of Architecture: Build and light as large a bonfire as you can. For the single largest bonfire you light, you will receive Sapphire Teardrops equal to the square root of the number of pieces of wood in the bonfire, divided by 28. Bonfire must burn to ground for you to get the points.

Size of Bonfire Sapphire Teardrops
784 1
3136 2
7056 3
12,544 4
19,600 5
28,224 6
38,416 7
50,176 8
63,504 9
78,400 10
176,400 15
313,600 20
490,000 25
705,600 30
960,400 35
1,254,400 40

The Contest of Art and Music: Enter your favorite sculptures in the contest. (Sculptures must be owned by you, not your guild.) The scoring system is the same as that used for opticons and EHTs. Your judging score can increase by up to 3 per day. Highest score gets 49 teardrops, 2nd gets 48 etc, down to the 49th, who gets one. There will be a minium amount of voters to prevent solo high scoring, currently this is set at 7. Contest Of Seven Sculpture Locations

The Contest of Leadership: Convince another citizen to pledge their loyalty to you as their leader. Receive Sapphire Teardrops equal to 1 + the length of the longest chain leading to you. Circles don't count.)

The Contest of Conflict: Play Sevenblade. This uses a new ranking system. You start at rank 1. Winning 2 games against one person counts as one win (ie gain a 2 game advantage). Do that to 2 other people, and you advance to rank 2. If you lose to 3 people of your current rank, you are out. You can restart once per day, but you'll be back at rank 1.

The Contest of The Human Body: Rare Wild Golden Puffball mushrooms filled with sweet nectar have sprouted across Egypt. You must eat them direct from the ground, not pick them up. Golden puffballs are rumored to look much like other shrooms, but may sprout during the day.

The Contest of Worship: Perform the ritual of parting. Rituals are requested directly from altars. The first requested ritual will consist of a single step, and may be performed by you alone. When you have successfully completed this first ritual, you may request a 2 step ritual, which may require a friend. Additional rituals will consist of 3,5,7,10,14, and 21 steps, and will likely require multiple friends. Receive one Sapphire Teardrop for each ritual you complete, regardless of whether you requested it.

The Contest of Thought: Approach anyone in Egypt who has completed the Naming Procedure and force them to reveal the name of one of their Silent Friends. At the same time, one of your Silent Friends will be revealed to them. Be the first to identify all 6 of their silent friends to receive 4 Sapphire Teardrops. If someone reveals all 6 of your friends, then they capture 2 of the points that you would have otherwise gotten by revealing others' Silent Friends. These "captured" points are never split.

Blatantly stolen from the old webpage: These were the rules from the Beta#3 running of the contest, expect changes for Live/Other Tellings. Updated by Teppy to reflect the rules in Live.

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Last edited November 28, 2003 11:06 pm by WorkAnkh (diff)