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CotS Megalopolis > Materials List

Home>>CotS Megalopolis>>CotS Megalopolis Materials List


The actual amount of materials required to build a megalopolis can vary from 25% to 300% of the standard. We are initially aiming for the standard amount of all materials.

If you bring materials to the site, please stash them in the appropriate contest booth (for nails, boards or bricks) or the appropriate labeled chests. The guild elders and team leads will update the materials list on a regular basis.

Numbers in () indicate that they are not on site yet

Some additional materials available for pickup from the LB loppy, see Surplus and (probably Pentanubis) contact FaceAnkh for access.

Lastest Inventory By: Bri (Initial sort, getting better count next pass.) Also adding a "done" checklist for anything we have 300% or more of.

Miscellaneous Materials

Material Have Standard Done 300% Normal
Boards 86488 84100 Average
Brass Plate 5 4 Above Average
Bricks 250880 (360,000 at 3 Lakes Guild) 435000 Above Average
Canvas 181 150 Above Average
Concrete 73920 72400 Average
Copper Straps 600 600 Average
Cut Stone 11019 9920 Above Average
Gold 100 100 Average
Iron Bars 1000 800 Above Average
Medium Quartz 1954 1200 Above Average
Nails 72026 69200 Above Average

Cut Gems

Material Have Standard Done 300% Normal
Hexas plate lapis 123 40 Done!
Choronzon lapis 88 40 Above Average
Thistle lapis 163 40 Done!
Unity lapis 25 20 Above Average
Dragyn's Eye lapis 24 8 Done!

Treated Boards

Material Have Standard Done 300% Normal
Normal Boards 85000 84100 Average
Hard pliable black 13305 8000 Above Average
Hard pliable rotproof 15000 8000 Above Average
Hard rigid rotproof 16775 6000 Above Average
Hard glossy white 29088 20000 Above Average
Hard glossy blonde 28301 28000 Average
Hard glossy black 51000 48000 Above Average


Material Have Standard Done 300% Normal
Carrot 4904 2600 Above Average
Chocolate 6378 4800 Above Average
Cornflower Blue 4739 4000 Above Average
Dark Salmon 6022 6000 Above Average
Lawn Green 1431 1400 Above Average
Orange 2427 2400 Above Average
Orange Red 6007 6000 Above Average
Royal Blue 2425 2400 Above Average
Sea Green 6428 4800 Above Average
Sky Blue 5600 3200 Above Average
Tan 1911 1880 Above Average
Yellow 3665 3600 Above Average
Yellow Green 3127 1800 Above Average


Cement 4
Gravel 12869
Canvas 181
Rope 190
Cuttable Stone -
Cuttable Lapis -

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Last edited May 5, 2004 10:23 pm by Chin-Wa (diff)