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CotS Megalopolis > Members List

Home>>CotS Megalopolis>>CotS Megalopolis Member List


Member Rank Assignment
Shelomit Elder Project Leader
Cas Elder -
Cryect Elder Quartermaster
Otter Elder -
XsSpl Elder Bricks
Tundra157 Elder Treated Lumber
Chriso Elder Mule
xs3 Elder Mule
Dwadja Elder Mule
Neena Member Metal
Cicilia Initiate Boards
Slyfeind-hotep Initiate Bricks
AsunPeet Elder Cut Stone
Inonica Initiate Gems
Velisa Initiate Paint
Raoul Initiate Bricks/Boards
DKerr47 Initiate Materials Transportation
Somali Initiate -
Crystalkat Initiate Mule
Whilan Initiate stone project

I'm editing myself in here, even though I'm not joining up, since I'm going to mix a lot of paint. I'm stockpiling carrots now. Basically, if Shelomit tells me to do something, I'm doing it. So some thousands of units of paint will be available for pickup at Festival Connection Megalopolis, sometime soon. -- Zubon

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Last edited May 3, 2004 6:49 am by (diff)