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Disciples DoS Megalopolis > Schedule

As the ending is approaching, we have to group our efforts to get the last bits done.

To faciliate this, please put the times when you're available for megalopolis-work in the following tables (in UTC/GMT please). If you don't know how to translate your local time into UTC, please chat me (Lemma) and I'll put the times for you.

I'll post events scheduled here too.

Things of Importance and some random News


Okay, I did some counting and got some numbers on what we still need in concrete/cut stones

We're advancing really quick at the moment. If we keep up the good work, we'll probably be done by THIS sunday!


I set up a new Detonation Box in the desert at -2045, 2792. It can be used with high explosives as there's enough flat ground around to find the scattered gravel. Outcome per detonation of 100 medstones seems to be 1500-2500 gravel. Please don't use low explosives any longer (just think of mining for 50 more medstones if you're tempted :)). I figured out it is best to detonate several batches and collect them afterwards (10-15 minutes for 3 helpers).

Scheduled Events

04.07., 1400 UTC


04.07., 1600 UTC


04.07., 1800 UTC

Cuttable Stone Dig (possibly the last - if we have enough people attending it!)

04.07., 2300 UTC


Past Events

01.07., 1800 UTC

Cuttable Stone dig, we got 1100 more. yipiieh!

01.07., 1600 UTC

3 batches of cement done.

01.07., 1400 UTC

Testing the new Detonation Box. Pretty cool :)

01.07., 1200 UTC

Pre-stir stir-party. 3 batches done. 4 participants.

30.06., 2300 UTC

Bubbly-bubble cement-making. 3 batches done. Thanks to our 3 participants.

30.06., 1800 UTC

Dig for Cuttable Stones at DoS camp. Many people were there, many stones were dug up. We got 1600 Cuttable Stones. Great work! Thanks to everyone who was there, keep it up!

Other things to do on your own

Mining for Medium Stones

There's plenty of mines near the DoS camp you can mine for Medium Stones. Some are fitted with endurance kitchen.

Cutting Stones

Also feel free, to cut some of the Cuttable Stones near the DoS camp rock saws.

Get Cuttable Lapis from water mines

There's one water mine at DoS camp, 3 near festival connection you can wind to get lapis from.


Please use UTC/GMT!

Lemma Demonkiller colemana Sheritra Gurney Galanodel Viper28 shrek RandraxSteele Jathyn Nargaroth Gugita Erlijus Jarrod Didero
05.07. 2300-0300

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Last edited July 10, 2004 7:31 pm by (diff)