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The end is near. How near? We dunno. Certain events trigger the end of a telling, and then after a (hopefully) short break, a new telling begins.

You may wonder if your life has meaning in the short time we have left in this telling. The answer is yes. This is a game of community and connections. Get out there, build what you wanna, pass what tests you can, and meet some folks.

When the new telling starts, you'll be ready.

And the new telling won't be the same as this one. The devs are working hard on making it fundamentally different, and a unique experience. Most of us are betting it will be worth it.

Remember, everyone's stats will be wiped and all the techs at the unis will have to be redeveloped. We will all start out on the same footing. Except if you already have friends to build a new camp with, you will be at an advantage to anyone starting the second telling without having played the first one at all.

(cf Endgame)

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Last edited May 28, 2004 4:34 pm by silver (diff)