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Finding Limestone Blocks

Please point out any factual mistakes I've made, and offer any suggestions gained from your own pyramid project(s). I'd especially like to hear how building the 55 block Pyramid of the Fertile Plains is different from this.

How to Build a Pyramid of the People, 1st Edition

You will need:

level 7 in pyramid construction 1 other person with at least level 2 in pyramid construction somewhere between 50 to 1,000,000 glass rods (I only needed 61) 1 lead mallet supplies for a kitchen with cookpot supplies for ~50 servings of focus food supplies for ~50 servings of endurance food 5 linen 16 copper wire

Setting up the camp You can only prospect for tooth limestone on sand. Find a nice sandy spot with no roads, schools, universities, mountains, rivers or other obstructions nearby. You may need 50 to 100 units of free space in any direction, so plan appropriately.

Switch to F5 view and zoom most of the way out. If you are one of the lucky ones, you can see the repeating texture in the sand which should look like a checkerboard, kinda. Your job is to sink 25 boreholes in a 5 X 5 array, preferably with each borehole in the middle of each tile (not near the edge where the loc will change). If you cannot see the pattern you will have to use your minimap and the loc. You can sink boreholes from your special menu.

Go to a corner borehole. Tap the rod into the borehole. This is a focus limited refresh--you can tell when you can tap again when your dowsing icon comes back. There are two possible outcomes--(a) somewhere you will hit rock and the rod will shatter or (b) you will tap the rod a total of 10 times and strike paydirt, so to speak. There is no skill involved here; it's just blind luck from this point. If (a) happens, you'll very occasionally be able to save the rod from shattering. It is still a failure, but you get the rod back.

Finding the blocks If you manage to tap the rod 10 times, it will say something like "The rod is at the correct depth to use as a guild". This means that you have found a limestone block and will be given the option to "crack an outline" of the block. When you do, the block will appear on the surface.

Most likely, the rod will shatter. Build a kitchen here, install the cookpot, and stir up your focus food. Have a good meal, and get back to work. You've got 24 more blocks to tap, but it will go much quicker with your new improved focus. Build a bonfire on each corner borehole to mark your searched area. Should you find a block on a corner, just build the bonfire close and move it inside the block.

Food Note: Perception effects the likelyhood of you succesfully recovering a glass rod so a focus and perception recipe is prefferable.

I got 0 blocks on the first 25 rods.

If you have 2 or less blocks here, you probably should sink another 5 X 5 array to the EAST or WEST of your previous array.

After 25 more rods, I had found 4 tooth limestone blocks.

If you have 3 or more blocks that's probably enough, depending on how precious glass rods are to you.

and see what kind of patterns people are reporting in your area. In NVoK (where I am) 10 east + 1 north works very nicely. So, from every block you found move 10 east and 1 north (or going the other way, 10 west and 1 south--they're equivalent). There is a 90% chance that another block will be here. I used 50 rods to get my first 4 blocks. I used another 27 rods to find 24 more blocks, bringing the grand total to 28 blocks with 77 rods. Note that sometimes the block is "missing". In this case, mark the spot with a bonfire and continue with the pattern. I had 3 misses total (28 blocks total from 31 "expected" locations)

If you didn't find 3 or more blocks in your 5 X 10 array, set down another 5 X 5 to the NORTH or SOUTH of your area. You do not want to waste glass rods by prospecting further east or west, if the pattern for your area moves that way.

Digging up the blocks

When you've found the required number of blocks (14 for each Pyramid of the People) empty out your kitchen cookpot. Stir up a batch of endurance food. Get at least 1 other person with pyramid construction 1 or higher. Both of you proceed to dig on the same block. It goes very fast with several people and food. Example:

1 person, +12 end: ~20 digs @ 40 seconds each => 12+ minutes per block 2 people, +12 end: 4 digs per person (8 total) @ 40 seconds each => 2.5 minutes per block

After the 8th dig (with 2 people, +12 end) for about 10 seconds there is an option to "Slide rollers under the block". If you wait more than about 10 seconds this option will disappear, as the block slowly sinks back into the ground. The option will reappear after the next dig, and will remain a little longer. Pay close attention and count the number of diggings in order to minimize the time needed.

Anyone with pyramid construction 1 may help dig a block--ownership is not important.

Pushing the blocks The pyramid construction site covers a 4 X 4 area. Find a clear spot in the middle of your field of blocks an build it. This requires 5 linen and 16 copper wire. You will need to push all blocks to within 1 unit of this area (directly N-S or E-W, corners don't count). Unlike other construction sites, this one does not vanish in an hour (it used to though). Also, do not tear down the construction site as you DO NOT RECOVER THE TOOTH LIMESTONE BLOCKS!

When dug up, the block (or perhaps the rollers) can only be pushed North or South. You may turn it such that you can push the block East or West. With +12 end food, recovery time for turning the blocks is about 80 seconds. Recovery time for pushing the blocks is about 20 seconds. It takes 8 pushes to move the block 1 (one!) unit. With 1 helper, +12 end food and a 4 block repeating pattern it took about 2.5 hours to move all of my blocks to within range.

I suspect/hope that there is a cumulative effect of having more people pushing the blocks, but I could not see the difference with only 2. Perhaps you can get more people to help you with this amazingly boring task.

Only the owner of a block may push it, so if your helpers are not in your guild you'll need to set the block to public. There no danger of anyone running off with it, as you will soon realize after you see just how long it takes to move that first block a few units. An infinite supply of tooth limestone blocks 3 horizons away is worth less to your project here than a broken wood plane.

I'm not kidding.

Your helpers will need pyramid construction 2 to push the block.

The final hoe-down When you have a block within range of your site, click on it and select "Add this block to the construction site". You will be prompted to click on which construction site you wish to add it, in case you have multiples going. Do so, and the block will be added.

When you have 14 blocks added, the owner has the option to "Consecrate the pyramid". Do so, get hit by lightening, take a few screenies, and then hambone the night away while working on your new beer projects.

Rome wasn't built in a day, but pyramids are built in an hour or less--kinda like LensCrafters. /bog

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