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History Of Bureaucracies

Written History

03-12-2004 Bureaucracy opportunities go to: M:Rehpic with 57 signatures, F:Bindy with 50 signatures, M:Raland with 42 signatures

Rehpic's bureaucracy is seized by GwydionPendragon. It is quickly returned.

Bindy's bureaucracy is infiltrated and seized by GM puppet Khepry. They buy it back for 5 arsenic.

03-31-2004 Egypt recognizes her top Bureaucrats: M:Rehpic (1683), F:Safira (1671), M:Raland (742), M:Kir (618), F:Tweetiti (544), F:Qetesh (497), F:Bindy (423)

03-31-2004 Bureaucracy opportunities go to: M:TpcT with 114 signatures, F:Esme with 88 signatures, M:Teao with 74 signatures

Fadi (brand new player) seizes power in the Esme/Teao bureau. Bureau is rebuilt using backup bureau.

imhothep (15 days old) seizes power in TpcT's bureaucracy. Bureau is rebuilt when Imhothep returned the bureau to TpcT.

Bindy, an established player who had already passed Bureaucracy, seizes Esme's rebuilt bureaucracy and sets up another small bureaucracy with her friends.

Fadi (see above) seizes TpcT's rebuilt bureau and offers it for sale.

04-15-2004 Bureaucracy opportunities go to: M:Ptenkhet with 87 signatures, M:stickwarrior with 84 signatures, M:silver with 78 signatures

04-20-2004 Egypt recognizes her top Bureaucrats: F:Esme (386) M:Dyant (314) F:Ingenia (298) F:Keely (295) M:MojoRa (276) M:Teao (260) F:Waav (251)

04-25-2004 Ptenkhet auctions his bureaucracy on, with this advertisement attached: "Start it yourself, or hold it in reserve to keep other people from accumulating points."

04-29-2004 Bureaucracy opportunities go to: M:NosajofOxicropolis with 91 signatures, M:Rhyddereh with 91 signatures, M:WebGorilla with 88 signatures

05-13-2004 Bureaucracy opportunities go to: F:Arquebus with 100 signatures, F:Tweetiti with 97 signatures, F:MissBarbara with 96 signatures

05-17-2004 Egypt recognizes her top Bureaucrats: F:MissBarbara (1299) M:silver (1220) M:Rhyddereh (1131) M:TpcT (864) M:FaceAnkh (814) M:stickwarrior (774) F:Ledara (671)

05-27-2004 Bureaucracy opportunities go to: F:Eranu with 100 signatures, M:Neophant with 99 signatures, M:Finkbug with 98 signatures.

06-02-2004 Egypt recognizes her top Bureaucrats: F:Arquebus (1858) M:NosajofOxicropolis (1527) F:zisoni (1499) M:Yargh (1326) M:MacPhisto (1157) M:Thurgret (928) F:JemGirl (768)

06-10-2004 Bureaucracy opportunities go to: F:Frances with 102 signatures, F:NarkhoII with 101 signatures, M:Hapi with 99 signatures

06-22-2004 Egypt recognizes her top Bureaucrats: M:Jodpar (1891) M:Chewnaten (1662) M:Neophant (1434) F:Eranu (1294) F:homegrown (1280) M:Sesostris (1279) M:Finkbug (1238)

06-24-2004 Bureaucracy opportunities go to: M:TpcT with 104 signatures, F:Psychodelica with 102 signatures, M:Raland with 102 signatures

07-08-2004 Bureaucracy opportunities go to: M:Toba with 108 signatures, F:blondie with 107 signatures, M:TheDude with 103 signatures

07-08-2004 Egypt recognizes her top Bureaucrats: F:Psychodelica (1765) F:Frances (1683) M:Cattleman (1338) F:NarkhoII (1223) M:DarthBobo (1097) F:Khatzesput (950) M:Chart (864)

07-21-2004 Bureaucracy opportunities go to: DukeWilliam (110) Khatzesput (108) Corwitep (103)

07-23-2004 Egypt recognizes her top Bureaucrats: M:Shadez (865) M:Hawkeye (780) F:neonil (775) M:DukeWilliam (745) M:Harco (725) F:Bellah (708) F:Rana (707)

07-25-2004 Egypt recognizes her top Bureaucrats: F:aoife (1245) F:blondie (1153) M:MJR (663) M:HileTroy (660) M:Toba (551) F:Dreasimy (536) M:mithrandir56 (507)

01-09-2004 Pharaoh's bureaucracy is seized by Rehpic. Pharaoh is re-recruited, but never seizes control.

01-09-2004 Shep's bureaucracy is seized by Yargh during the marriage of the mules, only for it be seized in turn by ArmEagle (more to follow?)

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Last edited September 2, 2004 10:39 am by Yargh (diff)