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Indonesian Beehives

Building Indonesian Beehives

Indonesian Beehives require the Indonesian Bee Care skill which can be learned from any School of Body at the cost of 500 honey. However, this skill can only be learned by someone who has Examined their certificate for winning a Rank-1 Beetle Garden as part of The Test of Khefre's Children.

Indonesian Beehives each require:

Indonesian Beehives are symbiotic with Citrus Trees. About an hour after building an Indonesian Beehive, a citrus tree will appear in a randomly chosen direction a short distance from the beehive. Citrus Trees produce citrus fruit, and also flavor the type of honey that the Indonesian Beehives produce. Indonesian Bee Care is required to build an Indonesian Beehive and also to collect honey from it, but anyone without the skill can mulch or gather fruit from a Citrus Tree.

You can only gather honey from an Indonesian Beehive if it is very close to two different fruit types of Citrus Trees. Two trees within range (about 15 coords) will be randomly chosen to flavor the honey. For example, a Sweet Orange tree and a Greenish Lime tree would produce Lime-Orange Honey in the nearby Indonesian Beehives if those were the only trees nearby. A Sweet Orange and a Tangy Orange would produce normal un-flavored honey since they are both the same base fruit type.

Indonesian Beehives produce one honey about every 12 real life hours. Citrus Trees produce one citrus fruit about every 8 real life hours. Up to a maximum of 5 fruit and 5 honey can be built up before it will need to be gathered so that more can be produced. Unconfirmed reports state that both seem to produce better if they are located further away from other buildings and in a location where people will not be walking nearby very often, similar to apiaries, but this may be a myth.

A Kitchen can be used to make Citrus Fruit into Perfume and Citrus Honey into Ambrosia for use as requirements in the Festival of Isis. If you need specific honey/fruit or wish to supply honey/fruit for festivals, check out the Festival Connection

Citrus Trees

Citrus Trees have 4 statistics that determine what type of fruit is produced:

When a citrus tree first grows, two other trees within range (15 coords) are chosen to be the "parents" to help determine the variety of tree that grows. If there are no trees within range to act as parents, then one of the following varieties will always be chosen:

Every Citrus Tree has an option to "mulch" it or chop it down. In an hour of real time, a new tree will grow and will search for any trees in range to act as parents as above. Using this method, you can have 3 trees together, mulch one of them, and it will re-grow using the other 2 trees as parents. This seems to be an effect similar to crossbreeding. There does seem to be a random effect involved in what new type of tree grows. Mulching the same tree multiple times will often produce a number of different new types. Presumably if you know the numbers for the statistics of the type of tree you want, you can mix trees together, mulching the ones furthest away from your target numbers until you start getting closer and closer to what you want.

Citrus Fruit and Honey Types

There are 13 different base types of citrus fruit:

There are 8 different adjectives used to describe the particular type of fruit:

Words in bold are required as fruit for the Festival of Isis. Non-bold words have no known use beyond facilitating crossbreeding to get the bold types or producing honey.

This means there are 104 different types of citrus fruit in all. Examples: Flat Tangelo, Greenish Lime, Sweet Lenat.

Isis only requires 52 out of the 104 different fruit types possible.

Honey is a combination of two different base types of fruit (and not the adjectives). Therefore there should be 78 (?) varieties of honey possible. Examples: Lime-Orange, Coralfruit-Lenat, Lemon-Lime

Citrus Tree Stats

Chichis' Citrus Fruit Stats Tracker is the best place to look for ranges and average stats for Citrus Trees, and lets you input your own tree stats.

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Last edited March 15, 2004 6:59 am by (diff)