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Keyboard Commands


[F3] Map

[F4] Compass

[F5] Tight Camera - 'General'

[F6] Medium Camera - 'Explorer'

[F7] Far Camera

[F8] Eye in the Sky - 'Dueling cam'

[F9] Go to the previous chat tab

[F10] Go to the next chat tab

[F11] Toggle friends list

[Esc] Character Menu

[Ctrl-V] Paste text

[Alt-A] Record a Movie (series of PNGs)

[Alt-C] Screen Capture (saved in the directory with elaunch as FrameXXXXX.png)

[Alt-D] Freeze Horizon (check it out)

[Alt-F] Freeze Screen

[Alt-J] No Texturing (?) - Messes up some textures

[Alt-L] Lock Camera Position

[Alt-N] Mouse Hack

[Alt-S] Turn (some) Models Off

[Alt-Enter] Full Screen [Linux] **

[Scroll Lock] Refresh/Reload Game Information - try this if the client gets out of date/funky

** Historical Note: it was initially in the SDL version of the game, then when the code was re-written for fltk the full screen was dropped. It has now been returned to the code-base (although, this is just in experimental versions of the Linux client, as of this writing).


/af <player name> Adds a friend to your buddy list

/rf <player name Removes a friend from your buddy list

/crowd Checks the percentage crowding in the area you are in

/password Full comand syntax - /password <old password> <new password> <new password again>

/tell <playername> Sends one line of text to the player of your choice

/chat <playername> Opens a chat window with the player of your choice

/info <playername> Opens up the 'Info' box for that player

/egyptmail <playername> Opens up the Egyptmail window, allowing you to send a message to a player. They will get a scroll icon when they receive it.

/squelch <playername> Allows you to ignore the conversation of other players

/unsquelch <playername> Allows you to unignore a previously 'squelched' player

/join <channel name> To join the in game radio stations, such as BBC.

/me <emote> Allows you to verbally emote (ie /me laughs would display the text 'Tchrin laughs')

! <emote> Same as /me

/ts Toggles whether the time stamp is shown

/time Displays the current ingame time

/afk Toggles afk (Away From Keyboard) mode on and off.

/fps Toggles Frames per Second view on and off

Trade Center Commands

Some of these commands are restricted to the owner of the list. Also, some require that you be looking at the trade center chat to work properly.

/tpjoin <trade center name> Join a trade center you have already visited and added to your list of trade centers.

/tpwho Use while you are viewing the trade center chat. Tells who has the trade center open. Useful in conjunction with /tpremove

/tpremove <name of person> Use while you are viewing the trade center chat. Removes someone from trade center -- can be used by owner of trade center only.

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Last edited August 18, 2004 6:31 pm by LittleCleo (diff)