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Laws > The Sky Above Your Head Contest Law

This is not a law, but an announcement to tell everyone that The Sky Above Your Head Contest is now open for registration to anyone (even GM and Pharaoh if they feel like trying their chances!)

REgister at 4630 // -481 in the Cradle of the Sun and try to find the 12 lost Sculptures of Egypt that should remind you of the Sky Above Your Head.

They shall lead you to a Hidden Sculpture.

First Prize for the Hidden Sculpture is a Botanical ID 3 kit. Other are reall attractive also. And you can get something even if you don't find the Hidden One.

Contest should be run from September First to October the 31st. Dates may change at my will though, so that there is at least a Winner!

Good Luck to everyone in the contest of The Sky Above Your Head.

(See also: Laws)

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Last edited October 4, 2003 9:40 pm by Kem (diff)