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Lotus Lake Megalopolis

Lotus Lake, located at Egypt 736, -4350 provide a much needed midpoint connecting South Egypt with the Seven Lakes area for trade and commerce. Recently, several South Egypt guilds have merged to form Blue Lotus and make the Lotus Lake area a new home. This new megalopolis will serve the residents of the northern part of South Egypt, as well as the southern part of Seven Lakes, who are far from that region's City of Karnak Megalopolis.

Project founded April 7, 2004.

Megalopolis was finished

2004/06/03 01:00 UTC
with a big celebration.


Location Feature
736, -4350 Lotus Lake Megalopolis
1520, -612 City of Karnak, only 7L mega, and the nearest mega outside SE
431, -5735 South Egypt Plaza, only SE mega

            Map of Egypt





Members Piece Completed
Solalique Section 1 - Center
RaLoMein Section 21 - Bridge
Tantras [associate]
Antaios Section 40 - Edge
Asilotep [associate]
Solanum Section 24 - Gate
Tadukhepa Section 41 - Edge
Tahirah [associate]
Stacocracy [associate]
WebGorilla [associate]
Zintwana Section 4 - Ramp
LARDBOTTOM Section 19 - Bridge
Marisol [associate]
Lindie Section 3 - Ramp
ChaiaLeah [associate]
Maester Section 5 - Ramp
Sithra Section 29 - Side
Jarjarlicious Section 26 - Side
Akela Section 42 - Tower
Draal Section 17 - Tower
savanhotep Section 28 - Side
AhKhunTa Section 16 - Tower
Kamenwati Section 2 - Ramp
Latrator Section 48 - Tower
Kheti Section 25 - Gate
Pedrao Section 33 - Side
Challen Section 32 - Side
Al-Bilal Section 27 - Side
Hemothep Section 37 - Edge
Siofra Section 9 - Wall
Archfazt Section 13 - Wall
Hekhemmet Section 20 - Bridge
CleopatraT Section 31 - Side
cathoid Section 34 - Edge
nebsenitep Section 35 - Edge
Argen Section 39 - Edge
Dors Section 44 - Tower
Grimoire Section 49 - Tower

See Also: Megalopolis Locations

LotusLake.jpgSolaliqueApril 29, 2004 10:07 pm48573Map of Lotus Lake and explanation of name

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Last edited June 8, 2004 10:16 pm by Solalique (diff)