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The Navigation skill allows you to set Waypoints that can be instantly "teleported" to by spending accumulated offline waypoint travel time. You cannot waypoint travel while overweight/overbulk or if you do not have enough travel time to reach the destination. You must be a paid account in order to accumulate waypoint time to use waypoints. (unconfirmed?)

You can learn the Navigation skill once from each type of school; each new school learned from increases your skill level by one, to a maximum of seven.

Each level of Navigation skill allows you set one additional waypoint in your Navigation menu. The Navigation menu also allows you to re-set waypoints to re-use or re-name the slots. You must first walk to a location before setting a waypoint there.

The last 21 Megalopolises that have been built will also show up as waypoints in everyone's Navigation menu without using up a Navigation skill slot. These are all listed at Megalopolis Locations.

Navigation tuition:
Architecture 200 iron ore
Art & Music 1000 thorns
Body 50 water in jugs
Conflict 1 huge ruby
Leadership 10 papyrus paper
Thought 10 glass rods
Worship 1 large sapphire

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Last edited December 1, 2003 1:37 am by Kem (diff)