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OE Megalopolis > Building Teams

Building Teams

Building teams have been set up to help organize all the people involved in the most massive challenge thrown at the people of Egypt thus far. Organizing ourselves into smaller teams allows us to split up work more efficiently, allows less experienced players to work on a daily basis with our more experienced players, and provide a level of accountability that is both fair to everyone involved and easy to maintain for the organizers.

Building teams will consist of One ?captain? and 8-10 members. Captains ideally should be the most experienced player on the team, as well as the most actively involved on the project. It will be the responsibility of the team captains to communicate with his/her teammates on a regular basis. Captains will also need to communicate with other captains on a multitude of things; the most important being during the final days of the project where everyone will need to come to the site to complete one section in order to receive credit and pass the test.

Changing teams is simple. Don't worry if you contact a guild elder to switch teams.

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5
Captain Inles Riverwalker Redrac Ift RavenLycos
Sellea Abraxas Shadez Nikare Thurc
Kaldar Python Tickle LittleCleo Lior
Susan Kuu Atene Tuhk Eugene
ErMurazor RedRidinghood Motoko Alanine MacPhisto
Lynni Zarrehp Bakt Karaquazian Kir
Murdock Coia Atritax ArndeGot Rana
Cattleman Wicco Someone Asylum ZeitGeber
Sohgin Falconsbane Mujin Dana Ubasti

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Last edited November 18, 2003 6:03 pm by (diff)