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Public Pyro Labs

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Map of Egypt


Owner/Donated By


Location Owner/Donated By Comments
-1860, 2898 Disciples - DoS Next to Disciples DoS Megalopolis
-2378, 6461 Sphinx
-1730, 4837 MetaSVoK Barrel Grinder nearby at -1783, 4844
-1042, 6486 House of Bes Cheap Pyro supplies available here.
-950, 4605 Guardians of the Vale Very close to Festival Connection
-642, 4671 Order of Ma'at A few minutes east of Festival Connection
-407, 2686 DoS Meta Guild
-109, 6336 House of Bes next to (CCR) Iridescent Point Pyro Arena and Cat's Paw Mega
-82, 2887 Newbieville
-69, 7249 Hall of the Silver Thorn
421, -5836 silver + SEPM South Egypt Public Park: includes public barrel grinder
512, -6659 silver don't build stuff here (use the park lab if you want a chest), but you can use the lab
690, 5700 LotR Guild Four Pyro Labs next to LotR Guild Megalopolis, Great for mass Production, and a barrel grinder with public +30 endurance food. If people build stuff there without checking with susan first they will very quickly stop being public.
1255,-290 Starry Night
1270, 4018 Nomarks of the River Plains Liberty Bridge (2 labs + brazier, public grinder nearby at Traders Bank of Egypt)
1435, 1951 Protectors of Isis Guild Southern RP ** Announcing Dual Labs **
1997, 5850 Servants of the Sun
2080, -900 FoA Public Pyro Lab + Barrel Grinder with End kitchen in the center of the Quarry, a little off the beaten path but visitors are always welcome
3000, -1100 Tranquillity pyro lab & barrel grinder. Chat Sigil, Neena, or Pentanubis if you need any help.
711, -3101 Twin Lakes Brazier and pyro lab

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Last edited July 27, 2004 5:33 pm by Lemma (diff)