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Rose Of Ra Genetics > Odd Hybrids

Strange Hybrids and Evidence that we don't know everything about flowers:

Possible evidence for half letter/characters? Or possible reversal of the characters used to indicate stamen and leaf:

1) Onion Skin ends in a B character - ABBA sequence is completed when:

is stressed two right:
(before stress = no cyans, after stress, 1 cyan gene in both upper and lower petals).

So EB is definately magenta leaf indicator (1x right OS loses 1 magenta leaf).

2) BUT

  in the sequence (left hand side of Onion Skin): ADDADDACCEAEC  -> 9x left stress shows NO disruption of a CE (yellow stamen), but the 10x left stress shows a disruption of a cyan leaf (EA).  

I'm going to test whether CE in normal situations IS a yellow indicator (i.e. whether the last C in ACC is the first character in CE) by crossing:

5xR Onion Skin (CEBEBxxxxxxx) on left X 5xL Hatch's Bud (xxxxxADDAC) on right => plant, take picture. uproot, stress 1 left, which should be:

EBEBxxxxxADDACC and compare and see if a +1 yellow in the lower petals is created or not.

- Qetesh

Update: ACC is not created if 'CE' is broken up and attached to AC (so yellow stamen/leaf indicator DOES NOT involve C). Testing if it is the letter D.

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Last edited June 4, 2004 7:25 pm by Qetesh (diff)