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When you sign up for a test you are given 7? or 10? screen shots (everyone is given the same ones when they sign up). Goal of the test is to find those locations (maybe just 7 of the 10?) at each location is a stone which you etch your name in.

First person (first 4 maybe?) to find all of them (or the lower threshold) gets a point. At that point *everyone* is given a new set.

All those who were not in the first 4 have to start over.

Screen shots should be of land with no buildings (or Pharaoh owned buildings) people could obviously build over the landscape and obscure it.

Where does this belong? Surely not under the main wiki. What path is this a suggestion for? - Qetesh

Oh. I guess here:

Interestingly, the Venery starting point, if you add it to you scrapbook, has a name like scavengerhunt(something).

<response> Now that you mention it, it is alot like Venery, only visually based and done on an Egypt wide scale with test passing or (perc? end?) points as the reward for finishing first.

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Last edited June 24, 2004 8:02 pm by (diff)