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Mushroom Rhymes (feel free to add your own):

"Razor's Edge has made a pledge, to hide inside a hidden hedge" (Tumaini)

"Nature's Jug is hiding well, beneath a rug, or in a dell" (Tumaini)

"Acorn's Cap is held to be, found by map, but not by me" (Tumaini)

"Brain is hidden, hidden brain, seek it always, seek in vain" (Tumaini)

"Dueling Serpents have appeared only twice, here's hoping for thrice, that would be nice" (Cash)

"The Sandy Spore spawns in twos, if you seek more, you're bound to lose" (Avdol)

"Salt Water Fungus, is always to be, found by you, never by me" (BigBoy)

"Eye of Osiris spawns alone, but to find it I'm going to leave my home" (BigBoy)

"Show me the Eye of Osiris, I'll give you a box of Godivas" (unknown)

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh" (Shroomers everywhere) :P

"Why is my map like a bedsit? ... 'Cos there's not Mushroom." (Hob) ...I'm sorry.

"The dawn is coming and I've run out of time, to find seven mushrooms (the above two don't rhyme)." (Ashmael)

"Dung Rot, Dung Rot, I like you a lot. To my tummy, from the cook pot." (Ashmael)

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Eat Heart of Ash, seven or bust." (Ashmael)

"Eye of Osiris, give me some con. Where can I find this before night is gone?" (Ashmael)

"Salt Water Fungus is rare, you will find, but let me eat spares and I'll help you in kind." (Ashmael)

"I've got Bleeding Hands coming out of my eyes. Ew, what a picture, I think I might die." (Ashmael)

"Search for Serpent's far and wide, search for where they effectively hide." (DWing010)

"My shroomie lies over the hillock... My shroomie lies way out of sight... My shroomie doesn't want to be found... oh this is indeed darkest night!" (Bindy)

"Been searching too long for a shroom I can't find, I'm starting to think Osiris was blind." (Akh-Menhed)

"IK, IK, every where, And all the hearts did sink; IK, IK, every where, Nor any shroom to eat." (Bunni)

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Last edited June 22, 2004 1:49 am by Erika (diff)