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Ok guys, put your PLEDGE below, but dont mark it DONE till I can see it in the chests at the site. I'm going to try to do a inventory every day or so, so keep it coming. Bellah
Bricks and reg boards to GLLP GH at 2738 5009
Chest farm at 2716, 5073 for all else, chests labeled.
Current Shortages:
bricks | -300,000 |
boards | -30,800 |
nails | -18,180 |
orangered paint | -6,000 |
darksalmon | -4,500 |
chocolate | -6,960 |
skyblue | -6,400 |
yellow | -812 |
hard glossy blonde | -40,600 |
Materials Tracking By Type
- Brass Plates **DONE**-- Need: 4 / Donated: 4
- 2 - Kaizen (delivered)
- 1 - AtuAmani
- 1 - D3W/Zanix (Delivered)
- 1 - MisterOne (Delivered)
- Canvas **DONE**-- Need: 150 / Donated: 150
- 150(D3W/Zanix)
- 100 MisterOne (camp)
- Copper Straps **DONE** -- Need: 600 / Donated: 638
- 123 - KingRamsesII
- 70 - Ay
- 353 - MisterOne (Done)
- 25 - Nabil (done and delivered)
- 35 - SilentViper (DONE)
- 19 - dreasimy (DONE)
* CutStone -- Need: 9,920 / Donated: 10,126 **DONE**
- 1300 complete - bellah
- 965 - Kaizen (delivered)
- 400 - Enaj (delivered)
- 900 - inhoptet delivered
- 2144 - MisterOne (delivered)
- 400 - Oment done
- 350 - KingRamsesII
- 100 - Teiidae
- 1538 - Ingenia
- 710 - Pakotet (delivered)
- 50 - Sassy (delivered)
- 101 - Dreasimy (delivered)
- 150 - FribianSaint (delivered - to Nails and Misc)
- 176 - Mau
- Gold **DONE** -- Need: 100 / Donated: 100
- 100 - Bellah/ SOT done
- 50 - MisterOne (camp)
- Iron Bars **DONE**-- Need: 800 / Donated: 830
- 210 - Inhoptet
- 139 - KingRamsesII
- 10 - Sord (delivered)
- 16 - james (Delivered)
- 217 - Mau (more on its way!)
- 240 - Zip00 (DONE)
- 50 - Pakotet (pledge)
- 9 - JohnNev (DONE)
- 6 - Marrick (DONE)
- 10 - Maximus (done)
- 62 - Silentviper (DONE)
- Medium Quartz **DONE**-- Need: 1,200 / Donated: 1,683
- 150 - Inhoptet
- 30 - James (Delivered)
- 106 - Mau
- 195 - otter DONE
- 50 - erika (stored in camp, will bring down if needed)
- 500 - KingRamsesII
- 650 - Ay
- 20 - Sord (delivered)
- 100 - Destiney (delivered)
Cut Gems -
Please keep collecting lapis, we will need more of some of them when build starts
- Choronzon Lapis **DONE -- Need: 40 / Donated: 43 (43 pledged)
- 15 - Zanix
- 14 - Sord
- 3 - SerraLightheart
- 11 - Destiney (delivered)
- Dragyn's Eye Lapis **DONE** -- Need: 8 / Donated: 12 (12 Pledged)
- 11 - Sord
- 1 - SerraLightheart
- HexasPlate Lapis **DONE** -- Need: 40 / Donated: 40 (40 pledged)
- Thistle Lapis **DONE** -- Need: 40 / Donated: 62 (62 Pledged)
- 11 - Zanix
- 11 - Sord
- 21- SerraLightheart
- 6 - Destiney (delivered)
- 3 - Ingenia
- 6 - Kaelo (delivered)
- 4 - JerryOwens (delivered)
- Remember Thistle is an easy "throwaway" cut. Try for another cut, and only produce Thistle as a last resort.
- Unity Lapis -- Need: 20 / Donated: 13 (17 Pledged)
- 4 - Destiney (delivered)
- 1 - Maximus (done)
- 2 - Kaelo (delivered)
- 3 - SerraLightheart (plus 1 pledged)
- 1 - Taarka
- 1 - Zanix
- 1 - JerryOwens (delivered)
- 1 - Erika (purchased in auction from NoMaD, in delivery)
- 2 - Sord (pledged)
- Cuttable Lapis
- 2 - FribianSaint (Delivered to Nails & Misc)
- Concrete-- Need: 72,400 / Donated: 53,500 (in boxes)
- Currently there are 1000 cement in the MEGA chests waiting to become concrete. We need 18,900 gravel to mix that into concrete. There are 295 bauxite, 523 gypsum, and 722 petroleum 2000 gravel on hand for more concrete. Current as of Nov 30 11PM EST, -- inhoptet.
- 1800 - inhoptet
- 900 - KingRamsesII
- 100 - Sassy (delivered)
- 100 - Dreasimy (delivered)
- 500 - FribianSaint (delivered)
- 1000 - Zip00 (delivered)
- 4450 - Pakotet & others (delivered)
- 5000 - Erika/Enaj/Silvanis/Kaelo/Pako (delivered)
- Cement Supplies
- Bauxite
- 200 Erika
- 236 Hymn (delivered)
- 500 Dreasimy (delivered)
- 100 Mister/Mega
- Gypsum
- 40 gypsum delivered to LK for processing(inhop)
- 140 delivered and started to be processed (erika)
- 200 Erika, delivered
- Petrol
- 1500/1700 Cement (need 13 more batches)
- 200 Oment, Ingenia, Silvanis, Kasumi, Enaj (Delivered)
- 400 Oment, Hymm, Pakotet, Inhoptet, SerraLightheart (Delivered)
- 200 Oment, JerryOwens, FribianSaint, Kasumi (delivered)
- 400 Oment, SerraLighthear, Asobu, Amelista, Marrick, Muzikmn (Delivered)
- 300 Marrick
- 100 Ay, Dreasimy (delivered)
- 72400 Gravel (bring to mix on site)
- 17500 on site, still need 34,600 gravel(rest mixed already)
- 2000 - KingRamsesII
- 305 - Zanix(done)
- 100 - Dreasimy (delivered)
- 613 - JohnNev (delivered)
- 500 - Hymn (ready and on hand)
- 2200 - Ay (delivered)
- 19.5K - inhoptet (delivered)
- 2K - stones Marrick, det box and explosives inhoptet
- Nails **DONE** -- Need: 69,200 / Donated: 87,609 (5 boxes)
- 2500 - JohnNevets (Done, may work on more)
- 1400 - Otter DONE
- 5000 - KingRamsesII
- 1400 - james (Delivered)
- 3000 - kasumi
- 12580 - Nabil (done in chests)
- 1490 - SilentViper (DONE)
- 10700 - SOT (DONE)
- 2000 - MisterOne (done)
- 1000 - Pakotet (pledge)
- 500 - sassy
- 550 - sassy (delivered)
- 7100 - dreasimy (DONE)
- 7600 - Marrick (delivered)
- 12000 - Marrick (Done, waiting pickup in LoR)
- 2000 - Kaizen (delivered)
- 2250 - Ingenia
- 7k - Maximus (done)
- 1500 - SilentViper (DONE)
- 1500 - Muzikmn (DONE)
Board Treatment (9 boxes) ** ALL BOARDS DONE
- Treatment: Hard, pliable, black **DONE** -- Need: 8,000 / Donated: 8,000
- Treatment: Hard, pliable, rotproof **DONE** -- Need: 8,000 / Donated: 8,250
- Treatment: Hard, rigid, rotproof **DONE** -- Need: 8,000 / Donated: 8,000
- Treatment: Hard, glossy, white **DONE** -- Need: 20,000 / Donated: 20,000
- Treatment: Hard, glossy, blonde **DONE** -- Need: 28,000 / Donated: 28,000
- 4k - Silvanis
- 10k - Ay
- 14k - Taarka (2k at camp, will take down to chests soon)
- Treatment: Hard, glossy, black **DONE**-- Need: 48,000 / Donated: 48,000
- 10k - Mau (delivered)
- 32k - MisterOne (delivered)
- 6k - Taarka (delivered
- 10k - Ferrio (promised)
- Carrot paint **DONE** -- Need: 2600 / Donated: 2,600
- (500, hekatef
- (100 teiidae)
- (2000) Muzikmn (DONE)
- Chocolate **DONE** -- Need: 4800 / Donated: 4800
- CornflowerBlue **DONE** -- Need: 4000 / Donated: 4000
- Gwyr (many materials donated)
- Dark salmon **DONE** -- Need:6000 / Donated: 6000
- Lawn green **DONE** -- Need: 1400 / Donated: 1400
- Gwyr (with many materials doated)
- Orange **DONE** -- Need: 2400 / Donated: 2400
- 1400 - Hekatef
- 1000 Aidenn (donations by many)
- Orange red **DONE**-- Need: 6,000 / Donated: 6,000
- 4000 - driim
- 2000 - Hekatef
- Royal blue **DONE** -- Need: 2400 / Donated: 2400
- Sea green **DONE** -- Need: 4800 / Donated: 4800
- Sky blue **DONE** -- Need: 3200 / Donated: 3200
- Tan **DONE** -- Need: 1880 / Donated: 1900
- Yellow **DONE** -- Need: 3600 / Donated: 3600
- Gwyr (many material donations)
- Yellow green **DONE** -- Need: 1800 / Donated: 1800
- Untreated Plain Boards -- Need (total): 204,100 / Have (total): 222,600
- Treated Boards **DONE** -- Need: 120,000 / Have (in chests): 120,000
- Untreated Boards **DONE** -- Need: 84,100 / Have (in GLLP guild hall): 102,600
- 41k - MisterOne (delivered)
- 31k - Oment (delivered)
- 20K-Lost ones of egypt Inhop, Teiidae, phrotoch , sammy18
- 3k-James (delievered)
- 2K-kasumi
- 1.5K-JohnNev (DONE will keep working on more)
- 14.5k-ChinOett
- 17.5K-Mau
- 3K-otter
- 13K-Taarka
- 6k-Kaizen (delivered)
- 2k - Muzikmn (DONE - to gllp)
- 2.5K - FribianSaint (DONE - to gllp)
- 6K - FribianSaint (Delivered - to gllp)
- 2k-Dreasimy(delivered)
- 1k - Maximus (done)
- 735 - Wikt (delivered)
- 3k - Kaelo (delivered)
- 2k - Ingenia (at GH)
- Bricks **DONE**-- Need: 435,000 / Donated: 525,500 (264,096 in GH at moment)
- 70K - Zanix
- 6.5K - james (delivered)
- 22K - Kaizen (delivered)
- 55K - Enaj / Lehrenstadt (stored in Lehrenstadt GH until closer to time.)
- 90K - Draconias IV
- 40K - Bellah done.
- 100K - Erika (would like to wp/carry to the exact location to avoid running twice)
- 11K - Ay
- 30K - Marrick (Pledged, 29.5k delivered)
- 33k - ChinOett
- 20K - Pakotet (done, to be deliv.)
- 30k - Maximus (done)
Materials needed by Site Portion
Material | Have | Need per site | Need total | Diff from estimate |
Central |
boards | | 500 | 500 | same |
brass plate | | 4 | 4 | same |
bricks | | 35000 | 35000 | same |
concrete | | 2000 | 2000 | same |
canvas | | 150 | 150 | same |
gold | | 100 | 100 | same |
Ramps (4) |
bricks | | 150000 | 600000 | 400000 more |
concrete | | 1250 | 5000 | 5000 less |
boards | | 1500 | 6000 | 14000 less |
Towers (12) |
cut stone | | 70 | 840 | 1560 less |
concrete | | 2000 | 36000 | 6000 more |
orange red paint | | 1000 | 12000 | 6000 more |
yellow paint | | 600 | 7200 | 3600 more |
seagreen paint | | 160 | 1920 | 2880 less |
darksalmon paint | | 875 | 10500 | 4500 more |
boards | | 800 | 9600 | 2400 less |
Walls (8) |
boards | | 1050 | 8400 | 19600 less |
chocolate paint | | 1470 | 11760 | 6960 more |
concrete | | 1875 | 15000 | 3000 more |
cornflower blue paint | | 300 | 2400 | 1600 less |
cut stone | | 174 | 1392 | 3248 less |
orange paint | | 135 | 1080 | 1320 less |
skyblue paint | | 1200 | 9600 | 6400 more |
royalblue paint | | 270 | 2160 | 240 less |
Bridges (4) |
bricks | | 16000 | 64000 | 16000 less |
concrete | | 2625 | 10500 | 4500 more |
hard pliable black boards | | 600 | 2400 | 5600 less |
hard pliable rotproof boards | | 1600 | 6400 | 1600 less |
hard rigid rotproof boards | | 675 | 2700 | 3300 less |
nails | | 3125 | 12500 | 2500 more |
copper straps | | 60 | 240 | 360 less |
iron bars | | 180 | 720 | 80 less |
Gates (4) |
bricks | | 9000 | 36000 | 84000 less |
concrete | | 600 | 2400 | 3600 less |
med quartz | | 180 | 720 | 480 less |
hexas plate lapis | | 5 | 20 | 20 less |
choronzon lapis | | 4 | 16 | 24 less |
thistle lapis | | 10 | 40 | same |
unity lapis | | 3 | 12 | 8 less |
dragyn's eye lapis | | 1 | 4 | 4 less |
carrot paint | | 260 | 1040 | 1560 less |
yellowgreen paint | | 1103 | 4412 | 2612 more |
tan paint | | 423 | 1690 | 188 less |
lawngreen paint | | 210 | 840 | 560 less |
boards | | 17700 | 70800 | 47200 more |
Edge Walls (8) |
concrete | | 240 | 1920 | 480 less |
hard glossy white boards | | 2500 | 20000 | same |
hard glossy black boards | | 1750 | 14000 | 6000 less |
nails | | 960 | 7680 | 17920 less |
cut stone | | 42 | 336 | 784 less |
Side Walls (8) |
concrete | | 200 | 1600 | 2400 less |
hard glossy blonde boards | | 8575 | 68600 | 40600 more |
hard glossy black boards | | 1750 | 14000 | 14000 less |
nails | | 8400 | 67200 | 33600 less |
cut stone | | 660 | 5280 | 3520 more |
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