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Strange Rocks

Strange Rocks are scattered about Egypt. They are marked with the sign of the Stranger.

Their use or meaning, if any, is unknown.

Despite this, their strangeness has led many to keep track of their locations.

Here, perhaps, we can share those locations.

Megrez: My impression is that at least in part the rocks are markers in a large 'connect the dots' image of the Stranger. Anyone have a screen capture of the rock for comparison?

Pandemonis : Here you are : strangerock

Mau: Strange rocks now have a connection with Saduat and Pharaoh's Guards.

Desertking: I am sorry but I have seen a lot of Strange Rocks..they all seem to look alike. Maybe when a law is passed to do something about them?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Map of Egypt



-242, 7542
-1355, 7506
-1356, 7505
-866, 7462
1755, 7340
1472, 7322
1549, 7128
-1648, 6939
-2522, 6934
-1492, 6905
-1818, 6832
-324, 6688
769, 6622
248, 6275
862, 5977
-240, 5976
2585, 5900
1919, 5738
-286, 5496
2371, 5478
1140, 5143
1612, 5056
3216, 4946
3531, 4883
1331, 4833
878, 4622
963, 4028
5050, 3054
5018, 2600
5041, 2169
-559, 2082
5025, 1442
3108, 123
303, 26
3372, -25
4721, -276
3860, -301
1740, -409
1669, -777
3295, -925
2049, -941
4790, -1054
4265, -1088
723, -1159
800, -1861
1043, -1993
43, -2001
338, -2014
660, -3062
1277, -3547
688, -4125
590, -4310
321, -4731
50, -4734
1297, -4769
1506, -4788
731, -5076
503, -5079
604, -5079
378, -5214
1141, -5228
1329, -4118
2554, 5212
2870, 4983
-258, 5318
-1366, -1527
5063, 2369

strangerockPandemonisJune 12, 2004 2:49 pm143033a strangerock

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Last edited August 21, 2004 6:27 am by (diff)