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I'd like to tell everyone what I know of Alchemy, a supposed technology from long ago that - it is said - has been lost. Many years ago, in the time of King Octec, lived a scholar named Setrak. He wrote many volumes on properties of chemical agents, but never gave any specific recipes or techniques... His writings were always on the wonderous effects that could be acheived. Over time his writings became more and more outlandish, and eventually he was dismissed as a crank. His later writings talked about "three in water" - presumably by soaking three "components" in water... One could make "Tinctures" with special properties. Many have tried to do this, but never with any success.

Recently our scientists at the Great University of Thought have been reading over his writings... And made a connection - "Spirits of Water" was actually the name for alcohol of fairly high purity. So perhaps he meant that the three components - one of Sun, one of Stars, and one of Moon - must be soaked in Spirits of Water (alhohol), and not in plain water. This is all speculation. At the time of his death, Setrak was quite crazy, and quite paranoid. In one of his final writings, recently discovered, he tells where his recipies are hidden. He claims to have engraved recipes on clay jugs... Broken the jugs... Buried them... And planted sapplings on each burried site. So, if all of this is true, certain trees across the land may have, intwined in their roots, shards of these ancient writings.

- Pharaoh

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Last edited November 18, 2003 12:18 am by Mjr (diff)