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The Test Of King's Convoy

The Test of King's Convoy is the fifth Conflict test. It uses the new Tournament Ranking System, except that advancement is based on the highest rank you have ever achieved, rather than your current rank. A match consists of two games; players are expected to swap sides for these, as each side has a different goal. It takes a 3 match advantage to advance in rank.

This test is based on the game of Taefl.

Game Rules:

The game is played on an 13x13 board between an attacker and a defender. The attacker has 6 boats on each side (for a total of 24) and the defender has 12 normal boats and a king arranged in a plus formation in the center of the board, with the king on the center square (throne).

Players take turns moving a boat, with the attacker going first. Boats (including the king now) move like rooks in chess (i.e. as far as they want in any one direction, not including diagonals). Boats may not go through or end their turn on a square occupied by another boat. Also, only the king may end its turn on the center square or the corners (escapes), though other boats may move through the center.

Enemy boats may be captured (with the exception of the king) by placing two of your boats on opposite sides of the enemy boat. You may safely move your own boat between two enemy boats. Multiple boats may be captured at once, i.e. if the board looks like A D [] D A, the attacker can move between the two defenders (A D A D A) and capture both. However going from A D D [] to A D D A does not capture.

The king may be captured if the attacker fills all four adjacent squares surrounding the king. If the king is on the edge, just fill the other 3 squares. If the king is on the center (the "throne"), it takes only 2 attackers to capture.

The throne (center) counts as both defender and attacker ships. As do the corners.

The attacker wins the game by capturing the king. The defender wins by getting the king to one of the four corners of the board.

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Last edited July 28, 2004 9:27 am by Al-Bilal (diff)