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The Test Of Set's Ladder

Our 6th Test of Thought is a return to something that few have thought about recently: Set's Ladder. However, this time you'll be rigging a full sized (Pyramid of the Fertile Plains) ladder, with up to five colors of Arks. And judging will be based on the full package that you present.

Good ladders will have an addictive quality to them. The jackpot should be enticing, and bonus prizes should further draw the player in. In fact, the very finest Ladders give the player a theoretical advantage, if only they accurately knew the collision chances.

-- Pharaoh

This test challenges you to design a Set's Ladder puzzle, rigged on a 55 block Pyramid of the Fertile Land. These Set's Ladders have 5 different colors (red, orange, yellow, green, and blue) and can be much more sophisticated than the small ones used for the Initiation into Thought.

You will gain Focus, and be able to judge the puzzle, by reaching the top of the ladder.

For anyone who thinks that Set's Ladder puzzles are boring, remember that until now, no one has had reason to design a really good one.

Rigging a PoFL costs 200 gold wire, 2 large gears, 52 small gears, 26 fine glass rods, and 8 each Queen's Tomb cut amethyst, lapis, turquoise and garnet.

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Last edited April 22, 2004 2:44 pm by (diff)