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The Test Of The Demi Pharaoh

A new Demi-Pharaoh is elected once every month. Each Demi-Pharaoh has the ability to permanently ban up to seven people from Egypt. The ban applies to the character, not to the player; a banned player may create a new character. Demi-Pharaohs are elected for life; there is no way to remove a Demi-Pharaoh from office. Demi-Pharaohs may not use their power ban each other, although a Demi-Pharaoh may be banned through the legal system. The legal system may not, however, be used to limit the powers of a Demi-Pharaoh or interfere with the election process.

At the moment, a Demi-Pharaoh must click on a person to ban them. Pharaoh has stated that this is not intended to be a limitation on the ban power; if a Demi-Pharaoh requests that someone be banned, it will happen.

Any person who has passed the Initiation into Leadership may sign up at a University of Leadership as a candidate when the monthly Demi-Pharaoh elections are announced. When the election begins, candidates will be randomly assigned into 7-member groups for the first election round. (Some groups may have fewer members.) Group members share a chat channel where they may discuss which member to send to the second round. Each member may cast a vote (at any voting booth) for any member of the group. The member who receives the most votes will advance to the second round. In the case of a tie, no member from that group will advance. Voting lasts for three days.

The second round reprises the first; the remaining candidates are divided into groups of seven (or less) and once again vote to choose a single member to pass on to the third round. Voting again lasts for three days. This cycle repeats until there are seven or fewer remaining candidates.

In the final round, the remaining candidates will be presented to the citizens of Egypt. All citizens may now vote to choose who among these candidates will become a Demi-Pharaoh. Voting in this round lasts for seven days.

A list of Demi-Pharaohs may be found in The History of Egypt.

June 19, 2003: Amira is elected the first Demi-Pharaoh of Egypt.
August 15, 2003: Igoka is elected the second Demi-Pharaoh of Egypt. (The account has now been sold on eBay, cancelled, and banned.)
September 16, 2003: Qetesh is elected the third Demi-Pharaoh of Egypt.
November 17, 2003: FaceAnkh is elected the fourth Demi-Pharaoh of Egypt.
January 6, 2004: silver is elected the fifth Demi-Pharaoh of Egypt.
February 10, 2004: Esme is elected the sixth Demi-Pharaoh of Egypt.
March 20, 2004: TpcT is elected the seventh Demi-Pharaoh of Egypt.
May 6, 2004: MissBarbara is elected the eighth Demi-Pharaoh of Egypt.
(See also: tests)

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Last edited May 22, 2004 4:41 am by (diff)