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The Test Of The Hegemon

A Hegemon (winner of this Test) has a unique power, that may be used once.
And that is, they can invite one person to Egypt who could otherwise not settle here. (Specifically, his means that you can waive the first month's subscription cost for one new player).
So, when selecting your Hegemons, you might want to ask them their philosophy on using the power of the Hegemon. :Will they buy themselves a mule? Or, will they find someone that would enhance our community, that could otherwise not stay?
In the Test of the Hegemon, you will be leading your fellow Egyptians - literally. You will first build Hegemonic Cencus[sic] in different regions of Egypt.
You will then encourage your supporters to register their support in a specific district.
(Most likely their home)
It takes a plurality of the vote from a specific district (not a tie), to get credit for that district.
And the winners are the people with the most districts supporting them.
Two people per week pass this Test. Ties are delayed and carried over to the following week.
And when you pass the test, all of your Census are removed.
The free month Will carry over to tale 2.

Districts can change from election to election. The number can either double or half, based on how many districts have "low population".
A district has a "low population" when the winner of the previous election had less than 7 votes from that district.
If there are 3 or fewer districts with a low population, then the number of districts doubles. (Cell sizes cut in half, across all of Egypt)
If there are 11 or more such districts, the number of districts halves.
You can build multiple Census in one district. There's no advantage to doing so, but no harm.

Plurality is easier than a majority. You can win a district even if you don't have 50% of the vote, as long as you have more votes than anyone else.

To construct a Hegemon Census

Note: You get 1 vote, You do not get to vote once in each district.

Precinct boundaries appear to be based on the edges of the world. If there were 4 precincts (2EW, 2NS) then the center would be 1024,0.

07-11-2004-19:23:00 Egypt recognizes Hegemons controlling at least 3 of Egypt's 16 districts: M:FaceAnkh (4) Retaining 1 passes.
This appears to indicate that a minimum of 3 districts must be held for a person to pass (ie. carried over passes may be lost if <9 districts are available).
07-19-2004-02:31:00 Egypt recognizes Hegemons controlling at least 2 of Egypt's 8 districts: M:NosajofOxicropolis (2), F:Qetesh (2), F:Esme (2)
This however contradicts that ;) There's obviously a minimum # of districts that must be controlled though.

Nephte's theory:
It works like Conflict passes, with two new passes available each week.
1. FaceAnkh was in first place, and there were several people tied for second place. Instead of choosing one randomly, the system saved up a pass.
2. The next time, three people were tied for first place, and there were three passes so they could all pass.
3. If four people had been tied for first place, there would have been no passes now and five passes available next time. If two had been tied for first place and two tied for second, the first two would have passed and one pass would have been saved for later.

Rephrasing Nephte's theory. The system determines the minimum # of districts so as to provide the maximum number of passes without exceeding the pass limit. If there are enough passes so that everyone who controls 1 or more districts can pass, then you need at least 1 district to pass. If not, then try again with 2... Once a number is found such that everyone who controls that number of districts (or more) can pass, the system passes them and spits out the message "Egypt recognizes Hegemons controlling at least N of Egypt's # districts: ..."

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Last edited July 20, 2004 10:45 pm by Sord (diff)