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The Test Of Trust

The test of trust consists of these steps:
  1. Place 100 Quicksilver inside a Ritual Vault. Lock it.
  2. Reveal the combination to 14 high-level leaders.
  3. Wait 7 days. (TeppyTime, so closer to 8 days)
  4. Retrieve the Quicksilver.

To reveal a combination, you must click on somebody, and select Tests/Test of Trust/Reveal Combination to Vault; they will be shown the combination to your vault. You must be in close proximity to the vault to reveal your combination to someone. Each time you reveal the combination to someone whom you haven't revealed to before, your timer is reset, even if you have already waited seven days with 14 appropriate leaders, and your status tells you that you can remove the quicksilver. So, if you happen to lose your combination, reveal to someone who was already on your list.

If you attempt to open the vault before the you have waited seven days with fourteen trustees, you will get a warning. If you open the vault, you will completely reset the test, and have to re-seal the vault and gather another fourteen trustees. This is, however, the only way to change the combination.

High-level leaders are people who have passed many tests in the discipline of leadership. They are high enough level if:

  1. They are higher-level than you, OR,
  2. They are among the highest-level leaders in Egypt. (This goes up over time, and the current level will be shown on the instruction page)

If either of these conditions are met, then they are high-enough level for you to use them in the test of trust. A leader's level is the number of tests of leadership he or she has passed.

A ritual vault is built at a small construction site and requires:


You must choose leaders who not only fit the requirements, but are also people whom you would trust not to remove your quicksilver, or reveal your combination to someone who would (anyone who knows your combination can open your vault).

Placement of your vault should also be taken into careful consideration. You may wish to place yout vault in or near your camp, so that friends can watch over it. However, since your trustees must visit the vault in order to be given the combination, that may make it difficult if your camp is in a remote location. The alternative is to place your vault in a common meeting area, where people are likely to have waypoints or frequently visit, such as a Megalopolis or River Plains' Liberty Bridge. You may possibly increase the odds of someone taking your quicksilver, but then, this is a test of trust, so choose your trustees wisely.

You can also look into borrowing a vault located in a common area. A number of vaults have been set up for this purpose at 1044, 4007, near the River Plains pyrotechnics arena, just west of Liberty Bridge. You may also ask around in your local area for vaults which you can borrow.

Make sure you also choose a good combination, since anyone who knows it or can guess it can open your vault. Choose a random seven digit number, and write it down. Don't use Jenny's phone number.

(See also: tests)

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Last edited March 16, 2004 11:41 pm by MJR (diff)