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Newbie Warp

As a new player you have a temporary ability to warp around Egypt for free. If you look at your menu, you will find "Starting Places". There you have two options, find a new random starting place, or warp to a friend. Using the "newbie warp" is not limitless, and you can't carry much of anything in your inventory when you do use it. But it is extremely useful for initial exploration. Check out all of Egypt's regions while you can. Visit as many Universities as you can to get free technologies. You can find a map of Egypt's Universities listing which technologies are open at


Yes, running is long and Egypt is huge. Get over it. It's a beautiful game world, full of surprises. While traveling, look at the camps you see. Click the buildings and learn what they are. Notice the layout that people choose...perhaps it will help you if you decide to build a camp.

Many of us do our extended running at night, when we have a good chance of finding mushrooms.

Navigation Skill

Once you are paid you may purchase several levels of the Navigation Skill from various schools. There are 7 available levels, and it makes no difference which you buy first. Each level gives you a waypoint to set where you choose. The first level also gives you the ability to warp to each of Egypt's Megalopolises. Megas are key community centers and often home to a great deal of art and thought puzzles.

It is also possible to get more then 7 waypoints by buying them with mentor points at a School of Leadership. Each additional waypoint costs 14 mentor points.

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Last edited May 6, 2004 3:49 am by (diff)