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Welcome to my Wiki page, stolen from Gardiner.


Phoenix Being Born

Phoenix Growing Old

Phoenix In His Prime

Phoenix on the Hunt

Phoenix Parting Ways

Phoenix Taking Shelter

Phoenix Twisting Fate

Pyro formulas


Fuel 1 Fuel 2 Oxidizer Accelerant
4 charcoal 2 charcoal 4 saltpeter 2 sulfur


Colorant 1 Colorant 2 Fuel Oxidizer Binder
Red 1 aluminum 2 lithium 1 charcoal 2 saltpeter 1 clay
Green 4 copper 4 copper 3 charcoal 2 saltpeter 1 clay
Yellow 4 iron 1 iron 3 charcoal 2 saltpeter 1 clay
White 3 aluminum 1 magnesium 3 charcoal 2 saltpeter 1 clay

Alchemy formuals

Lead to Gold (1)

 [HyPz] Hy -14:7 +Pz -10:-7 = HyPz -14:-10

Yellow->Green Glowers (90)

 [CpGu] +Cp 1:10 +Gu -10:5 = CpGu 1:5

 [BnRd] +Bn -2:6 +Rd -6:20 = BnRd -2:20

 [GuHr] +Gu -10:5 +Hr -3:11 = GuHr -3:5

 [HpHr] +Hp 3:16 +Hr -3:11 = HpHr 11:16

Green->Red Glowers (60)

 [OtRv] +Ot -15:-6 +Rv-20:6 = OtRv -20:-15

 [GbRvHr] +Gb -12:20 +Rv -20:6 = GbRv -12:6
          GbRv -12:6 +Hr -3:11 = GbRvHr -3:6         

 [BnDi] [(Cp)(Gu)!Bn!Di] 
         +Cp 1:10 +Gu -10:5 = (CpGu 1:5 - Yellow->Green Glowers (90))
         CpGu !Reduce
           Cp 1:5 +Bn -2:6 = (BnCp 5:6 - Green->Yellow Glowers (90))
             BnCp !Reduce
               Bn 5:6 +Di -4:20 = BnDi 6:20 - Green->Red Glowers (60)
               Cp 5:6: Bad result
           Gu 1:5 +Bn -2:6 = (BnGu 5:6)
             BnGu !Reduce
               Bn 5:6 +Di -4:20 = BnDi 6:20 - Green->Red Glowers (60)
               Gu 5:6: Bad result

Red->Blue Glowers(40)

 [IbPn] [Ib(Hr)!Pn]
          +Ib 3:19, + Hr-3:11 = HrIb 11:19 
          HrIb !Reduce
            Ib 11:19 + Pn -17:-10
              IbPn -17:19 = Red->Blue Glowers (40)
            Hr 11:19 + Gu -10:5
              HrGu 5:19 = Yellow->Green Glowers (90)

Tincture components

Sun Stars Moon
-15 Af -154 Slaves Bread 7 Copper Ore 2 White Sand
-2 Bn 6 3 Camel Milk 6 Lithium Ore 7 Charcoal
-9 Bt 17 3 Sand Spore 6 Iron Ore 6 Silt
-13 Cn 2 7 Eye of Osiris 1 Copper Ore 5 Gypsum
1 Cp 10 7 Abdju 1 Lead Ore 4 Saltpeter
-4 Di 20 2 Toad Skin 7 Iron Ore 4 Coal
-15 Dm -1 1 Salt Water Fungus 7 Gold Ore 5 Bauxite
7 Ek 19 6 Eye of Osiris 4 Lithium Ore 3 Charcoal
5 Fa 19 6 Cabbage 7 Aluminum Ore 2 Bauxite
-14 Fd 3 1 Dead Tongue 7 Lead Ore 2 Lime
-1 Fy 6 5 Salt Water Fungus 1 Aluminum Ore 4 Potash
-12 Gb 20 4 Abdju 7 Red Sand 2 Petroleum
-10 Gu 5 7 Phagrus 3 Zinc Ore 3 Crushed Egg Shells
3 Hp 16 3 Garlic 5 Copper Ore 7 Potash
-3 Hr 11 7 Perch 2 Lead Ore 1 Potash
-14 Hy 7 4 Carp 1 Red Sand 5 Crushed Egg Shells
3 Ib 19 5 Hairy Tooth 7 Red Sand 3 Saltpeter
-20 Ig -13 2 Heart of Ash 1 Red Sand 3 Gypsum
-15 Ot -6 4 Hairy Tooth 4 Copper Ore 6 Sulfur
-17 Pn -10 1 Carp 4 Zinc Ore 2 Saltpeter
-10 Pz -7 6 Colt's Foot 1 Tin Ore 2 Petroleum
-9 Qr 1 6 Camel Meat 3 Gold Ore 1 Petroleum
-6 Rd 20 6 Phagrus 4 Lithium Ore 6 Charcoal
-20 Rv 6 5 Dung Rot 1 Aluminum Ore 5 Gypsum



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Last edited June 25, 2004 5:11 am by NosajofOxicropolis (diff)