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A general mechanism for a Thought test, by antichaos

This idea is based on the game 'Grow'

In general you have a number of inputs, a,b,c,d etc, and a number of outputs A, B, C, D etc. The outputs can exist in a number of different states, A0, A1, A2 etc. The 'rules' of the game determine which outputs have their state changed by each input. eg a raises A, B and C. b raises B and C. c raises C. The object of the game is then to apply each input once in the right order, so as to maximise the state of each output. In this simple case it would be c,b,a. Outputs can have different maximum states. To allow for greater variation, more complex rules can also be used, in which the state of one of the outputs is a factor. eg a raises B if A>2. Branching paths can also be introduced by allowing more outputs than inputs, and allowing 'horizontal' transitions such as "b changes A to E if A<3". You could generalise further to allow inputs to lower the state of outputs too, and also set specific completion requirements, eg Maximise A and B, while Minimise C.

There are lots of ways this mechanism could be used in a thought test. Here are 2, just to illustrate the pros and cos of different impementations.

1. The Test of the Curious Contraption.

This is basically a mechanistic interpretation. The inputs are gears, metal, rope etc. The contraption starts out as a small box, and the various parts of it (corresponding to the outputs) extend out in proportion to the state. Ideally there would be lots of options for size/orientation of each piece, and lots of pieces to chose from, so that designers could make their final contraption somewhat unique. Would require lots of artwork.

2. The Test of the Perfect Pet

In this variation, you are creating a 'virtual pet'. The inputs are food items and activities, the outputs are emotional and biological attributes of the pet, like hunger, happiness, strength etc. These would not be displayed graphically - less work for the artists. Instead the designer creates text messages to illustrate some of the state changes, eg "happiness lvl 3 - the pet purrs gently". This allows for nice customisation and some humor. "hunger lvl 5 - the pet starts to devour your leg".

As a nice variation to the pet idea, rather than have everything take place at a building built by the designer, allow the pets to be transportable. Each designer creates 7 identical pets, which are then passed from person to person. Support?

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Last edited July 12, 2004 2:30 am by antichaos (diff)
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