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Users > Dinsdale

I am helping to trade susans raeli tiles please see me too in game for tiles Talk too Inachis and MelesMeles too. Im a master acrobat 450 taught and have completed 6 Arch tests FUNery left ,now I know why its called a FUNery ...... built pyramid and FUNery is ongoing:) Theres this guy called rod whose a real bore and you have to keep tapping him it says "tap bore rod":;))This is probably the next most exciting activity to making raeli tiles or collecting dung(silt)and you get a nice swishing noise not as good as the fairy chimes you get when dowsing though,....there doesnt seem to be any perceptable sound when pushing blocks this is best done under the influence late at night.If you listen to the beehives there are only 2 bees at a time in each hive...well I can only hear 2..and they take it in turns to hi one lo is this the most annoying sound in the game?

Happy to acro anytime.Not on these days as much as I would like to be. Have solved 47 pyramids and 3 ehts

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Last edited June 29, 2004 1:13 pm by inachis (diff)
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