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Users > Frances > Wine Recipes

How to create your own wine recipes

The method below does not work nearly as efficiently as the method on the following page: The only reason I left this page intact is to prevent someone from trying the same thing and wasting their time and resources. It seems like a logical and extremely efficient way to make wine recipes but it just simply doesn't work as well.

Again, please go here: LC Table for the best way to make wine recipes.

Thank you,

Do not use this method

For wine tasting, throwing some random grapes into an old barrel and drinking the result is fine. But when you need a specific flavor for banquets or festivals, it could take dozens and dozens of random stabs in the dark to come up with the flavor you need. Alcohol slows the process even more and it could take weeks or even months to get what you need.

It is not only possible, but cheap and easy to come up with a recipes for nearly every flavor of wine in Egypt. The following process allows you to create a simple database using very few wine barrels and a minimal amount of grapes.

In preparation you’ll need to have a large crop of grapes that were grown in the same area and harvested at the same time. The type of vine doesn’t matter. You will only need a few thousand grapes (4165 to be exact) for creating the recipes but you will also need enough grapes to make wine through the end of the Telling. It’s totally up to you how many grapes you want to grow and how much concentration or residual sugar you want to end up with. You will also need enough wine tasting experience to be able to taste the flavors in the wine for recording purposes.

Wine recipes are based on ratios. 1:1, 2:1, 5:7, 8:3, etc. The number before the colon represents the number of grapes currently in the barrel. The number after the colon represents the number of grapes that have previously been crushed in the barrel and bottled/emptied (history).

After you discover the ratios (outlined below), you can begin making wine. If, for instance, you need 10 bottles of Strawberry wine and the ratio for Strawberry is 1:1, you would follow this recipe:

Since it takes 50 grapes to make one bottle of wine and you want 10 bottles of wine, (1:1 x 50) x 10 = 500:500. (current:history)

When using a more complicated ratio, you would need to multiply your ratio enough to get the first number over 50 since it takes 50 grapes to make one bottle of wine; but as close to 50 as possible so you don’t waste grapes. For example, 8:7 x 6 = 54:42. If you wanted to make 8 bottles of wine (8:7 x 6) x 8 = 432:336 , you would follow these steps:

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What you will need: 4165 grapes from the same harvest and endurance food. You will build a new wine barrel then keep rebuilding your barrel after each step for a total of 32 builds. The number of small barrels, nails and boards you will need depends on your Salvage skill level. With Salvage skill level 4, you will go through approximately 10-12 small barrels, a few hundred nails and less than a hundred boards to complete the entire test.

Below is an outline for testing your grape ratios. It includes “when to tear your barrel down” and spaces to record your flavor discoveries. The ratios cover 1-10:1-10 which should be sufficient to get a recipe for almost every wine available. Ratios such as 2:10, 3:9, 6:4 have been removed since they can be reduced to a smaller ratio and the reduced ratios have already been covered.

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Last edited June 21, 2004 8:23 pm by Frances (diff)
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