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Users > Kem > Teams

(Disclaimer: I haven't played much Takeskot; the following is mostly based on third-hand information.)

Takeskot is a team game: two teams of 3-4 players each compete in each match. For a game to count for rank, every participant must be of the same rank. It seems that as a result higher-rank Takeskot players have found it to be very difficult to organize ranked games; if there are only six people at the highest rank, every one of them will need to be available to organize a ranked game.

The following is a design for a slightly-modified ranking system that might make games much easier to organize, and encourage additional interest in Takeskot.

Any player may form a Takeskot team by visiting a University of Body. The creator of the team may give it a name at the time it is created. Any member of a team may invite other players to join the team. (Select the player to invite, and choose a "Tests/Invite into your Takeskot team" menu item; similar to the way Pilgrimage works.) A player may be a member of only one Takeskot team at a time, but may resign at any time. There may be any number of players in a team.

If every member leaves a team, that team is dissolved and all data associated with it is discarded.

Takeskot teams are ranked using the tournament ranking system. Players are not ranked; only teams. In order for a Takeskot game to be ranked, each side (cats and jackals) must consist of players from a single team, and the players on each side must be from different teams. The teams must of course be of the same rank.

Each team keeps track of the number of games which it has played, and the number of games which each team member has participated in. If a team member leaves the team and rejoins at a later date, their game count is reset to 0. If the team resets its tournament rank, the game count for both the team and members is reset.

Scoring is handled as it is currently. Each player's rank is considered to be the rank of their team. However, in order for a player to be eligible to receive score towards passing the test, they must have participated in at least 50% of their team's games. (The exact percentage could be higher; 60% might be better.)

This design allows a team to play a match, even if one of the members is unable to attend. It also eliminates the problems caused by Takeskot courts with different sizes (3- and 4-player courts); currently, if a 4-player team plays and wins on a 3-player court, the players on the team will become different ranks. The requirement that a player participate in a certain percentage of games prevents someone from joining a team and passing the test without playing any games.

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Last edited February 12, 2004 10:20 pm by Kem (diff)
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