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Users > Latrator > Beagle Tower

Beagle Tower

Beagle Tower is, or rather will be, the 315 cubit standard obelisk I'm building for my test in Architecture. It will be located in my camp at 455 -5976, right next to my Statue of Octec's Ghost.

A contest booth is available there for brick donations (100 at a time, please), and a publicly stashable chest for everything else. If you donate anything, give me a /chat to let me know so I can credit you for helping me in this laborious project!


Progress: 80%

Item Need Have Notes
Bricks 204750 172400
Boards 20475 5988
Ash 1999 1754
Linen 1055 891
Beeswax 5024 5024 Done!
Cactus Sap 2614 2614 Done!
Small Sapphires 229 229 Done!

Contributors/Donors/Helpful Traders

homegrown Every one of the 229 small sapphires! You rock!
TariqM Bricks and linen
Astymma Ash, cactus sap, and lint
SunnyOne / PyronFirewalker Bricks
losiris Pretty much everything. About half of this obelisk is really hers. :-P

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Last edited July 27, 2004 5:00 pm by Latrator (diff)