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Users > Mentemhe > Themed Compounds

Themed Compounds

1. Exterior structure advertises compound function. 2. Maximum size 2 sectors.

  A. Multiple cornerstones may be used to create a bigger single structure.

3. Common contents are Chests and Kitchens. 4. Other buildigns are limited to theme.

  A. Industrial: Charcoal, Smelters, Forges, Casting Boxes, and Anvils.
  B. Clothwork: Hackling Rake, Distaff, Hand Loom, Flax Gin, Autoloom.
  C. Pottery: Pottery Wheel, True Kiln, Vault Kiln.
  D. Farm - 2 different sector types that connect to each other
    1. Livestock: Sheep Pen, Rabbit Hutch, Chicken Coop (probably as barn).
    2. Plants: Greenhouse, Flax Hammock, Drying Rack, Thistle Garden (conservatory style).
      a. New building: Garden (connected to new Aquaduct to allow auto-watering).

T2 ideas

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Last edited August 26, 2004 2:59 am by Mentemhe (diff)
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