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Users > Mentemhe > Trade Routes

Describe the new page here. Describe the new page here. Small-scale, recurring trade routes. 1. Build a Commerce Center.

  A. Cost is variable based on both storage capacity and number of camels supported.
    1. May only store goods scheduled for delivery.
      a.  May not remove goods unless the run is canceled.
    2. May receive goods from other runs so long as space is available.
  B. Building can be upgraded in the future, similarly to Guildhalls.
  C. Recylce Trade Center graphic??

2. Move Camel from your Dromedary Pen to the Commerce Center.

  A. Camel must be fed while living in Commerce Center.
  B. Camels may not breed while in Commerce Center.

3. Travel to destination Commerce Center.

4. Anchor Trade Route to destination.

5. Set your cargo, and delivery freqnuency.

  A. Delivery takes standard WP time each way.
    1. Goods are delivered to Commerce Center after (WP time) has elapsed.
    4. Camel returns to home Commerce Center after (WP time) has elapsed again.
  B. Camel must rest at least 24 hours before starting the next run.
  C. Maximum capacity is (1000?, 500?) weight and bulk total.

T2 ideas

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Last edited August 26, 2004 2:58 am by Mentemhe (diff)
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