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Users > Qetesh > Chimes

Base chime: Floating Osprey (pure) (rest were cycles through the other tunings)

-> hot water = Floating Sparrow (pure)

-> followed by shearing force = Floating Finch (pure)

-> wax = back to Floating Sparrow (pure)

-> wax again = back to Floating Osprey (pure)

-> cycled once through all, 2x wax at end gave me Floating Raven (pure)

-> 1x sap gave me Floating Eagle (pure)

-> cycle up, back to 3x cold water = Gliding Sparrow (pure)

-> hot water, 1 shear = Gliding Finch (pure)

-> 2x more shear = Gliding Condor (pure)

-> 1x wax = Gliding Finch (pure)

-> 1x more wax = Gliding Sparrow (pure)

-> hot water = Floating Eagle (pure)

-> qs = Gliding Sparrow (pure)

-> shearing, hot (multiple) = Gliding Waxwing (pure)

-> shear, qs = Gliding Finch (pure)

-> qs, white sand, hot water = Gliding Condor (pure)

-> hot water, shear = Hovering Crane (pure)

-> shearing force = Hovering Owl (pure)

-> wax - back to Hovering Crane (pure)

-> hot water, 2x cold water = Hovering Parrot (pure)

-> 2x shear = Hovering Hawk (pure)

Base chime: Soaring Pheasant (pure crystal)
-> 2x wax = Soaring Gull (pure water), + 1 cactus sap = Soaring Gull (pure crystal)

Base chime: Floating Parrot

List of Made Chimes:

Diving Floating Gliding Hovering Soaring
albatross X
crane X
eagle X
gull X X
hummingbird X
lark X
owl X X
parrot X
pheasant X
puffin X
raven X

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Last edited April 18, 2004 6:36 pm by Qetesh (diff)
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