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Users > Slyfeind-Hotep

I call myself a nomad, because I can never stay in one place for too long. I have a very modest camp in South River Plains (695 720), and can frequently be found throughout the western Valley of Kings (particularly at Waterthread; -2313 5833), north Seven Lakes (affiliating with the Guild of the Starry Night at 1286 -304), and occasionally around the Cradle of the Sun while working on the CotS Megalopolis (at 4652 -512).

I can brew most beers, though I need at least three days notice for Cinnamon Orange or Nutmeg. Spicy Cherry and Spicy Banana are out of my range. I can quarry Oyster Shell, Yellow Alabaster, Mud Granite, White Travertine, and Canary Granite marble.

I've passed Obelisk, and soon, Megalopolis; Marriage, Pilgrimage, Alignment, Visions, Festivals, and Beacon; Bedouin, Reason, Acrobat, and Banquet.

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Last edited May 1, 2004 9:52 pm by Chin-Wa (diff)