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Users > Tokra

Yes, I'm a huge fan of Stargate. :)

  The word tok'ra means "resistance," originating from the two words
  tok, meaning "against," and ra, which refers to the former Supreme
  System Lord, the Goa'uld Ra. Tok'ra is literally "Against Ra," and
  thus, the Tok'ra are the enemies of the Goa'uld. More Information

I began playing ATITD waaaaay back. I was actually involved in the very first external tests. If you goto the archive of the original website, you'll see my post (14th request, I sometimes go by the name Uber and now points to my website) where Teppy asked for people to sign up for the beta. Unfortunately due to the fact that they only ran tests for a few hours at a time, I was unable to have much time to contribute to the beta process.

Some of my accomplishments include:

  1. tokratrifecta flax seeds - For a time the best flax seeds available before stressed breeding came about
  2. Shroomdar - The mushroom radar which I made to help figure out mushroom patterns and migrations
  3. Tablet Tracker - A system I wrote to help organize the alchemy tablet fragments

Member of the following guilds:

  1. Theopolis
  2. [Theopolis Mineral Exploration Guild]?
  3. [Shady Acres]?

Weeee... wikis are fun!

Festival supplies copied from the old festival connection.

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Last edited February 27, 2004 11:18 pm by Kem (diff)
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