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Winetasting is gained by drinking various wines. One bottle of one serves 7 at a tasting table. At 100, 200, and 250 WT, you will gain a point of perception.

When you first start drinking wines, you will be able to taste only the broad types, such as Fruity, Oxidized, and Woody. As your WT goes up, you will begin tasting various subtypes, such as Dried Fruit and Tree Fruit, and flavors, such as Raisin or Peach. Which ones you detect when varies by person. It is possible to get a result like "Fruity Tree Fruit Peach"; this could occur if you can detect, for instance, Peach and Tree Fruit but not Apple or Berry. You will also, at set intervals, get new messages when you taste the wine, the highest few of which are quite amusing ("This wine deserves to be spanked...").

As you taste new flavors and combinations of flavors, you will often gain a point of WT. While you will never gain more than one point from the same combination, you will apparently not always gain a point from a new one.

You may find that you get several points rapidly, and then seem to get "stuck" for a while. Don't be discouraged; this happens to everyone around certain points, and as soon as you get a few more points, you will start seeing new flavors and gaining points again.

Making Wines for Winetasting

Making wines to increase your winetasting score is pretty simple. The only thing that matters is that you have grapes. Concentration, tannin, alcohol, residual sugar, and all other barrel stats have no affect on flavor whatsoever. Grape production scales very well in that you can just build more vineyards and plant more vines to get more grapes. It's easier to get 50 vines to 500 grapes each for 25000 grapes total than it would be to get 10 vines to 2500 grapes each for the same total. Since grape growing requires you to adhere to a somewhat awkward schedule, if you can get all your grape-growing done in a couple days, that's probably preferable.

Once you have the grapes, you're ready to start making wines. If you're just trying to increase your own winetasting score, you can just use one non-steel-lined barrel and crush 50 at a time. If you're interested in making wines to bring to a winetasting party, you may want to crush 100 at a time. That way, you can weed out the Acetaldehyde (Oxidized) wines beforehand. That said, keep in mind that wines with 3 flavors, one of which is Acetaldehyde, are still just as good as anything else for getting winetasting points. The only time you should be throwing away Acetaldehyde wines is when it's just a single flavor Acetaldehyde or if it is coupled with one other common flavor, such as Acetaldehyde Grapefruit. You can probably also weed out most common single flavors, though it is still possible to get points from single flavors even with a high winetasting score.

To put it simple : How to have lots of grapes : 1. Plant as many vine cuts as possible on as many vine yards as you can. 2. Three hours after planting, fertilize each plant with any kind of fish. 3. Six hours after planting, fertilize each plant with any kind of fish. 4. Seven hours after planting, take a vine cut in each vineayard. 5. Harvest grapes - since it will leave the vineayard empty, you want to make sure you took a vinecut before you harvest. (Note that you can keep fertilizing every three hours if you want more grapes)

How to make your wines : 1. Put 50 grapes in a wine barrel (of the same kind if you can) 2. Crush them, and seal the barrel. 3. Bottle it right after, you dont need to wait for fermentation (Note that its better to use always the same barrel, non lined with steel)


This is a chart showing what flavors exist in game, which flavors fall into which subgroups, and which subgroups fall into which broad groups. The available flavors are apparently based on a chart of flavors used in real-world winetasting. (Note: The chart mentioned appears to be based on the work of Dr. Anne C. Noble at UC Davis.) I've put in categories, marked (theoretical), for those subcategories whose individual tastes have been reported, but not any individual tastes I've not heard of or categories which have never been reported in any way. There are some things in the game chart which are not on the real-world one, or differ from the real-world one, as well. The very uncommon tastes and categories are marked (rare).

Flavors that quite possibly exist based on the source of the other flavors bracketed and added as (theoretical) also.

Much of the data in this chart is taken from an forum thread on the topic.

This chart quite probably contains errors, and there are possibly more wine tastes yet to be reported; please add or correct whatever you can.

The following categories have also been reported, but I have no idea where they might fit in the tree:

What the heck is that?

Cassis is another name for the black currant. Linalool is a chemical commonly found in the scent of flowers and/or perfumes. From foodweb: STEMMY...harsh, green, disagreeable flavor...may have been fermented with stems and stalks.

(See also: Viticulture)

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Last edited July 29, 2004 9:19 pm by Siofra (diff)