Months | 3 | 6 | 12 |
Cost1 | $49.95 | $89.95 | $169.95 |
Reserved character name2 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
ATITD T-shirt | Yes | Yes | Yes |
sheep, medium stone, cp trim u/g | pick 1 | all 3 | all 3 |
extra Avatars3 | 6-12 | 6-12 | 6-12 |
Specimen Case for unique gem cuts | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Flight of the Phoenix fireworks | 28 shells | 28 shells | 28 shells |
Flight of Phoenix FW in Beta | 7 shells | -- | -- |
Fury of Isis fireworks package | -- | 77 shells | 77 shells |
Fury of Isis FW in Beta | -- | 21 shells | 21 shells |
Octec's Glory ancient fireworks | -- | -- | 21 shells |
Founder's Chat Bubble | -- | -- | Live & Beta |
Custom Landscaping around camp | -- | -- | Yes4 |
above copied from Utilities>Billing as of 4/26/06
Question? A sheep is 200 deben, and (I presume) there is no sheep pens and onions are not easy to come by. How are we supposed to tend for the beast? :o) --- Cappu
I think last tale it was available for you to pick up from one of the schools when you were ready for it, but I'm not 100% certain on that. - Gumby
It was. All resources could be picked up separately with the T2 preorder. (Also, sheeples are 300 weight, 1 bulk.) --Sedelyan
Paypal users: For Pay-by-Cash preorders it's a bit clunkier: Fill out the info normally, see what the total is, paypal that to I'll type the credit in manually, then you'll go back to the same screen and hit "Place Order".
Question! Can you pick the sex of the sheep? - Matk
Selections available in the betas were for either sex. -- OldJoe