This page shows the main index for the root of the wiki. There are a number of other sub-roots with indices of their own:
Guilds | Users | Regions | |||||
Buildings | Guides | Livestock | Resources | Skills | Techs | Tests | T3Beta |
This page is autogenerated. To exclude a page from the index, add a "$NOINDEX" line to the page to be excluded.
Can't hurt to leave everything in... people will be redirected to where they want to be anyway. ---Brant
Including See s is deliberate, since it lets a page be added to the index under a different name. For example, I should probably go through all the tests and reindex them so "The Test of Astrological Alignment" shows up in the index as "Alignment". $NOINDEX does work with See pages, by the way. (And I really should make $REDIRECT work as well, for consistency's sake.) --Kem
I just $NOINDEXed a few of the redirects that clearly wouldn't be hurt by it (like Christmas Trees->ChristmasGifts and Fish->Fishing), along with a couple of things that were outdated and/or should obviously be subpages of other stuff anyway (some of the old, incorrect mining stuff, a few things that belong under Resources, and what should have been a subpage of Macros). There's a ton of pages in here that need to be moved to subpages or user pages or even to wiki-fr, still, and I suspect Blah belongs under Macros someplace. -- Nefer-Bast
List of unindexed pages and badly redirected pages. -- Zignotrop