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Moss Changes

Moss Attribute Changes

Blessing and Drinking from any Aqueduct Water Tower at least 1 (Teppy or RL?) hour after a previous Bless and Drink may cause a change in the attributes of the moss growing on the tower. It often takes multiple drinks to have an effect, so keep trying :)

Common moss is the base type. Technically it is not an attribute. Common moss is not harvestable. No other attribute will appear with common moss.

How this table may help

The Worship Monument requires some specific, complex mosses. We might get lucky and find them by chance, but with a good knowledge of people's effects on moss, we may be able to engineer a set of attributes.

The attributes that you can add and remove will change over time. No idea how often that occurs. Several months after working on moss for the UoW, our listed attributes were no longer valid. - Gumby

Since this is a fairly short time frame (1 month or so to the end of the telling), we're going to risk changes occurring - hopefully they won't happen fast enough to affect us. - FaceAnkh

Mosses required for the Worship Monument

The guild info from /info Worship Moss is the easiest way to get the list of required mosses ingame.

If you find one of these mosses, please chat FaceAnkh, Esme or Hellinar if you find one so we can arrange people to help out harvesting. The monument needs 700 of each, which is ~24hrs of constant harvesting, so it's too much for one person to do. If you do help harvest, try to drink once an hour from a different tower so misclicks won't ruin the moss.

Table of changes

How to add to the table

Find an aqueduct tower and note the moss type on it (e.g. dry, hairy, mottled moss). Drink from it and check the new moss type (e.g. hairy, mottled, smelly moss). Compare the attributes and put a - in the table for an attribute you remove ('dry' in the example above) and a + for attributes you add ('smelly' in the example). Leave it blank if nothing changes.

The easiest way to add a row for yourself is to insert "|| name ||" on a new line in the table, then hit the Preview button - the wiki will fill out all the other columns for you.

If you're unsure or have trouble, feel free to just chat your moss changes to FaceAnkh, who will add them for you.

Changing attributes: since roughly the start of Peret, some people seem to have changed attributes - if you've changed, please record the new attribute. (we've been putting "-+" for was-minus, now-plus, and vice versa).

The table

Name calico crackly dry fuzzy green hairy mottle phos prickly retic slimy smelly spongy spot stripe
AatonPulonich - - + - + + -
Aemon -
Alya - + - - + - - - -
Amuniet - - - + +
Amy - + + - - + - - + - - + -
Amtep - - + - - + - + - + - -
Augustine -
Azhrei + + - - - +
Barhi - + -
Bashept + + +
Bellah - +
Bhoth + +- -?
Binky + +
Calixes + - - + - +
Cappu - + - - + - + + +?
captdanjou -
CaveCub -
Clovis - - - + +
Daktar -
Dawn -
Deohotep +
Djehuty + + - + +
Name calico crackly dry fuzzy green hairy mottle phos prickly retic slimy smelly spongy spot stripe
ellorin - + - +- - - - - - + - - -
Erialor -
Eshe - + + + + - - -+ -
Esme + + + + + + +? - - +- -
Ezzy - - + - - + -
FaceAnkh - - - + + - - + +
Gemstar + - + + - -
Gumby + - + - - + + -
Hasani + -
Hellinar - - + + - - - - +
Inonica + - - - - + +
JemGirl - + + - - - - +
Jezebella + + +
Karol +
Name calico crackly dry fuzzy green hairy mottle phos prickly retic slimy smelly spongy spot stripe
Lill + -
MacPhisto + + - + +
Maxion - + + + - + + - + -
Nathea + +
Nephte - - + +
Nopar King + + + + - - - + -
OldJoe - - +- + - - - + +- + - - + + -
Ouijdani + -
ozith - - + just- - + +
Panyea +
Ping +
Name calico crackly dry fuzzy green hairy mottle phos prickly retic slimy smelly spongy spot stripe
Rena - + - + + + end- ? + - + str- ? + + -
Rifkind + +
Sedelyan +
Sejdemash - - - - + + -+ - + - - - +
Shelomit - -
somecandycane +
Subira -
Sue-Marie -
SunnyOne + - - + + + +
Teao - -+ - - + + - - - - -
Temm - + - - + + - +
TheMazeEcho + - + - - - -
Thurgret - - - + + - - - +
Name calico crackly dry fuzzy green hairy mottle phos prickly retic slimy smelly spongy spot stripe
TpcT + - - - - - -
Ur-man -
Var-LeTha + - + - + -
Vilbert + - - + -
Wuqensta + + + -
Yargh - +
Yendor -+ + +
Yergacheffe +
Zanna + + + + - -
Zapster + - + - + - -
Zintwana -
Zlave - + - + + +
Zmy - - - - - -

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Last edited April 24, 2006 7:00 pm by Vilbert (diff)