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Mysterious Altar

All five altars are now found. Locations below. -Sedelyan

Old comments are at Chatter.

On Year 3, Peret IV-18, Setna came across a mysterious altar in Karnak at 1808, -1072. When he touched the altar, a surge of power rushed forth and a brilliant red glow danced around him. When the energy faded, he found he had gained an Enhanced understanding of Mining, which seems to increase the amount of crystals mined.

Others came to the altar and also touched it. The same red glow came forth, but it would seem only Setna had gained the power from this altar, although it would appear other such altars can also be found throughout Egypt.

Enhanced Mining can be taught to a number of people before Setna is unable to teach further, and those people can teach a certain number before they themselves are unable to keep it. Those in the 'third tier' may only teach one other person, and they lose the skill by doing so. Enhanced Mining is learnable in two lessons.

The second altar appears to teach Enhanced Woodcutting. Little is known about this, though it appears to almost entirely destroy trees, leaving only stumps in their place. It is uncertain whether this is always the result.

Enhanced Mining

Enhanced Mining is a skill which increases the cluster yields of mines by a number from fourfold to eightfold, depending on the length of time the user has been mining with it. It cannot be disabled. As a mine is used with Enhanced Mining, it slowly loses purity, the metals within being replaced with sand. This change is viewable through the mining log, able to be tracked. Until a mine is below 91% purity, the yield is not noticable by those without Enhanced Mining. Mines used by Enhanced Mining cannot be torn down before purity is restored to 100% -- this may take several hundred pulls beyond '100%' purity, as a mine may take several dozen pulls by a fully-fledged Enhanced Miner without an indication on the mining log.

A mine can be recovered by taking a number of pulls by a person without Enhanced Mining. For an EM'er with 8x yield, this is equivalent to 7 times the number of pulls they have taken. Additionally, recovery of a mine seems to produce heavy metal poisoning of an area, killing tadpoles. A page for tracking this may be a good idea.

Enhanced Woodcutting

A remnant from the Clearcutting skill in the first tale, Enhanced Woodcutting allows players to receive a slightly higher bonus from trees -- but may remove the tree entirely, at approximately a one in three chance. If the tree is removed, a stump is left in its place, and 250 times the wood of that tree is given. When a tree stump is removed, it can only be replaced with the Elixir of Regrowth, a material which may regrow trees at a somewhat quick rate. The question of legal limits is, of course, moot -- before long, there will undoubtedly be ways to combat the abuse of this skill.

Enhanced Herbiculture

It is said that of the materials in Egypt, herbs are among the most important. The creation of a skill to increase yields of normal herbs is a good one, but what negative side effects would such a skill have?

The most obvious effect, without regard to the other "Enhanced" side effects, is a reduction in the potency of those herbs using in cooking. It has already been shown the more an ingredient is used the less effective it becomes. -- Japto

Looks like it allows one to gather herbs of ANY type at a specific, avatar-based tower, but kills any veggie production further down the line until something happens. I'd surmise drying up the line, or waiting for 250 minutes. -- Sedelyan

Skill is badly misnamed should be "Egregious Herbiculture" not "Enhanced Herbiculture". No veggies can be grown at any towers downline fron one where this "skill" is used. -- Bifa

Enhanced Clay Extraction

Presumably available to assist in building new aqueduct towers, perhaps to replace those poisoned by Enhanced Herbiculture, who knows what grief this skill may cause.

Map of Altars

                                             Map of Egypt


Closest CS

Found By

Skill Granted


Location Closest CS Found By Skill Granted Notes
1808, -1072 Karnak Setna Enhanced Mining First found
-1264 1238 Fool's Paradise BryceCiccada Unknown Currently cannot be touched- it is "Under Construction"
-14 4874 VoK Setna Enhanced Woodcutting Second triggered
4956, 1135 CotS Sedelyan Enhanced Herbiculture Third triggered
3706, 4874 Sinai Serqet Enhanced Clay Extraction Fourth triggered

altar.jpgSmightDecember 15, 2005 5:08 am19853Mysterious Altar
mysterious_altar.jpgSaxamonDecember 9, 2005 6:38 am32511Mysterious Altar
mysterious_altar_larger.jpgSolipsistosDecember 9, 2005 10:42 pm46172That's the Mysterious Altar, yep.
wonder.jpgSaxamonDecember 9, 2005 6:38 am8170Mysterious Message

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Last edited January 26, 2006 7:08 am by Japto (diff)