THE OBJECTIVE. Be the first person to score a set amount of points. 50, 100. by getting undamaged medium stones to safety.
The game comprises of... Medium Stones, Split Stones, Cracked Stones and Gravel.
A Game comprises of 3 rounds... Defence, Conflict, and Escape.
Medium Stones ... These are deployed into your deployment zone. with a maximum of 1 stone per row and per turn.
They may move up to 2 square forwards , left or right, or 1 square backwards. A medium Stone may roll onto a Trap to activate it.
Split Stones ... These are created when a medium Stones is damaged by activating a trap. These move up to 4 squares in any direction.
Cracked Stones ... When a split stone activates a trap it becomes a Cracked stone, they move up to 3 squares but only diagonally.
If a cracked stone activates a trap it is destroyed and becomes gravel.
TRAP = Gravel ... Gravel blocks the way and damages a stone when activated by it, when it is rolled onto. Traps are destroyed when
activated. Any player during their turn may choose to lay a trap on their own half of the board instead of deploying a Medium Stone. Traps may not be placed in your oppentents half of the board, but this will occur naturally.
Pictures of the three types of board to come soon, if someone could let me know here how to add a link and add pictures id appretiate it thx :)