Seeing that most bans are supported by the majority of Egypt through ballot, only DP's can effectively ban using these rules. Which is hard to work with, as DP's are not forced to use these rules and they do not wish to ban. So, using this as a ruleset wouldn't be such a good idea, although it could be possible to rename it to 'Player Conventions' and explain how egypt's mentality works. -Kylas
You're right, my english is far from perfect, so i guess "player conventions" is a better name :) My intent was to create a page about "unofficial but generaly accepted rules", though the final decision is of course up to our DPs. I don't remember any ban trough ballot during T2, but there were a few DP bans. I hope that the creation of a "player conventions" page will help people to agree on a common set of rules, even if unofficial and not enforced by the game. --Cheos
Atitd's rules of conducts do not explain what behavior is not accepted by players (usually defined as "griefing") and what is ok. The text only says the following :
We do not have a policy against offensive behavior, but be aware - if you offend the other players, they have the power to punish you. They can even exile you permanently from the land of Egypt - game over, don't come back. If you choose to behave in a way that is annoying to other players, we will not protect you from the wrath of the other players.
People from several countries, with several cultures plays the game. Each may have a different point of view of what is ok and what it not. So we may end up with a lot of different offensive behaviors if we (the players) don't define and write a set of rules together.
Though it's quite late in the telling now to set up players based rules, it may be interesting to discuss at least essential rules now, so as we have them from the beginning of the next tale.
A few advantages of explaining what most players don't find acceptable are :
Maybe we could include theses rules in the official laws in the game, later in tale 3, and get a more structured game.
This page is still a draft. I hope that, after discussing and working there, we can end up with a nice set of basic rules everyone would accept as real rules. -- Cheos
Here is a list of what is generaly considered as griefing by others players. Breaking theses rules repeatedly can make a DP ban you (this has happened a few times) so be warned !
This list will be harder to create, as it seems there are a lot of definitions around, and many tolerance levels too. I suggest to try to write a definition first, then list what is gaming for each test from each discipline (organized by discipline).