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Tablet Event

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This page is for all the translations of the tablets from around all the Schools of Leadership

The announcement

Archaeologists have just unearthed stone tablets from around foundations of Schools of Leadership. These seem to be memoirs of our ancestors up until very recently and are valuable records of our history. Although the tablets pre-date us, you may have learned of related events from your parents and grandparents.

The archaeologists realised that they know very little of the script used in these tablets. However, the people of Egypt who are educated in lore may be able to glean some information off of them.

Tablet Translations

LN #1

Praise Hapi! The Nile has been bountiful and all our problems are solved. Our lands have never seen such fertility! It was like we had a thousand pyramids of the fertile land. All the farmers gathered at Karnak to hold a festival. Naturally, the joy spread to the merchants too. there were long trains of caravans to transport our abundant crops to lands far off. Praise be to the Gods and Pharaoh. We reap the fruits of our long labors.

LN #2

My poor daughter. She was only a little kid, barely able to walk. Couldn't it have been me instead? At least the deer ate only our food. But these beasts... I tremble when I hear their howls and roars at night. I can't bear going on like this. We have to look for a different place to call home.

UN #1

My colleagues at the Great University of the Human Body and I have conferred for several hours and come to the conclusion that Pharaoh's decision to import herbivores was completely unscientific and unproductive. Only a complete ignorant advisor would have believed that the fertility from the great bloom could be permanent. The meteoric rise in nutrients quickly died out, and there was, as usual, a fight for survival among the plant species. We plan to meet Pharaoh soon to offer our expert advice on the matter.

UN #2

Today is the day of triumph. As I stand below this depiction of Two Gods locked in combat, I know that we are a perfect society, unmatched in our skills. Even gods fear us now! lest we wrest them from their high seats. Watch out we are coming.

The pathetic old man still hasn't finished his end of the bargain. I raised a group of people to ask to his face to what he thought he was doing. He could only give excuses of not expecting us to finish so fast and elixirs being slow to make. As we spat at him, the sad expression on his face was priceless. It's about time he got a taste of his own medicine.

CotS #1

Those pesky deer are at it again. I have had to hire three people just to keep those pests away from the crop. Yesterday some of those fools told me that even Hippos were in the fields again. I can't both fight the animals and keep the fools awake if, I am expected to make any food.

CotS #2

With the few people left, it is becoming harder and harder to keep the crops growing. Whenever our tools break or our machines fail, we have to wait months for repairs. Even if there are fewer mouths to feed, feeding them is harder. Our granaries will become empty soon. Our only hope is somehow restore fertility to the rapidly degenerating lands. Rumor has it that Pharaoh has sent out scouts looking for a more fertile land. I shudder to think of having to stay elsewhere.

Sinai #1

It has been theorized by my colleagues at the Great University of the Human body and I, that what is known as the "Big Bloom" is an occurrance of a high momentum feedback from the drastic ecological changes of the preceding year. As is well-known, the Nile was plagued by algae which consumed all available nutrients in the niches of the ecosphere. Due to their fast life cycles and high reproduction and survival rates, they could potentially cause an exponential growth that threatened to obliterate all life forms in Egypt.

A cure was released causing extinction of these micro-organisms. Not having had the opportunity to study a sample of this so-called elixir, we hypothesize that it is a compound that is poisonous to two specific species: the first being the algae. As it turned out, the decimation (and possibly extinction) of the algae created conditions where nutrients and other vital resources were available to all life forms. Flora and fauna which were dominant earlier were now endangered. The resulting conditions resulted in an unprecedented condition; an ecological vacuum, if you will. The immediate result of this is a population explosion in the wide variety of life forms that are quick to reproduce and spread. And it is the fruit of this phenomenon that have brought the current state of luxury to our society, and will continue doing so for many centuries.

The second species that was affected was the pathogen that caused sheep pox. With the pathogen now extinct, this pox is of interest to historians only.

Sinai #2

The old man died today. He was left rotting on a sand dune like some wild animal's carcass. Is this the respect we show to one who showed us who we are and what we can do? Is this the way we treat someone who has guided us to achievements we had not even dreamt of?

The more I think of it, the clearer it becomes. Every line of thought leads to the same conclusion. The one who understood was doomed to be ostracized. The one with the foresight was spurned. He understood and chose to sacrifice, so other may reap the benefits. Now I understand. Now I will bear his mantle.

ND #1

Those fools call themselves scientists. They believe that something becomes right if they just believe in it. Sheep pox pathogens were not killed by the Stranger's elixir. They were wiped out because they did not have a place to live. All sheep had moved to modern sheep farms Modern sheep farms keep sheep healthy and well fed with a balanced diet The sheep there were immune to the pox. Have lost a hose, the pathogens simply died out Unable to find a medium to survive. How do I know? Because it isn't strictly true. I created a nutrient culture medium, designed specifically for sheep pox I grew the pathogens and tested the effect of the elixir on them There was no reaction Those fools never listen to scientific evidence. I have placed batches of this culture. Hidden in the university basements to show them when I get the chance.

ND #2

I caught my first fish today. Dada was very happy But he said that I still have to go to school. But he let me take my fish with me to show my friends. School was boring. Teacher was boring. I was happy when they let me go. I took the long way back to see if I could catch any fish at the Nile. But it was still orange and ugly In the distance I saw some people so I ran to the top of the hill and hid there to see what they were doing. There was an old man shaking his stick and yelling at some people. When they came to the Nile, he made them pour the barrels into the river and then chased them away. After that he stood next to the Nile, bending over his stick, for a long time. Then he straightened and almost jumped Then turned and walked past the hill. He walked almost like he was dancing, and he had a big grin on his face. Dada didn't believe me; at least not the part about the dancing and grinning

PB #1

Ah! What would we do without Pharaoh? The animals are under control again and we have enough to eat. Those remaining are going to have prosperous lives once again. Maybe those who have left seeking better lands will return.

PB #2

Little did I suspect how things would turn out to be.

Who would have guessed how grandly we would succeed? Who would have guessed how quickly we would die?

Was it that we were overconfident? Did we just die out of boredom? Or was our planning bad? Was it something we could have avoided? We will never know. I was a wide eyed girl who followed the drum beating announcers that Pharaoh had sent I made my home by the Nile when our people came here so long ago I found Pluffy then. I played with him and his grandchildren Alas, now their grandchildren are dwindling. It tears my heart out to abandon them here. I cannot stay. I am probably the last one of my people remaining here. Every sight of these lands fills me with loneliness and sadness, and longing for people and my friends of old. Today I kiss this home of mine goodbye, but pray that one day another little Maya comes back, and calls this place home.

VoK #1

A masked man (or is it woman?) came to the hut seeking us out He gave us a job and promised us good pay Even the advance is more than the full usual play. His great need was urgency though I was sure we couldn't kill so many so soon. Bu then he told us his plan and showed us some of his tools We may be able to pull it off. WE move out at first light tomorrow. Once we prepare and position ourselves we await his signal Then the killing will begin However good his plan, we will lose a lot of our men, too.

VoK #2

My colleagues at the Great University of Human Body and I have determined the Egypt’s plant populations is too diverse and vast to be studied thoroughly to combat the crisis, we have suggested to our beloved pharaoh that we import herbivores however, due to their rarity, we were not granted the horses we asked for we are hence forced to settle for less expensive fauna such as gazelles and rats. we hope to clear the excessive overgrowth soon. Addendum: Please visit your local University of Leadership and register your strong objections to the use of scientifically valuable animals for purposes of transportation chariots are, obviously, just a fad; they will never catch on as a serious mode of transport.

FP #1

I am cursed with my memories!

I would tear my eyes out if it could stop me seeing this. I saw it with Octec and I see it again now. Yet despite all odds they manage to perfect their society And just as I was beginning to think that they may actually create a paradise on Earth, they fail and they fall. I am a wretch to see these people I love perish. Societies that should remain immortal disappear Cursed am I, indeed. I don't think I can take this much longer

FP #2

The oracle poisoned the Pharaohs mind and made him believe that us scientists at the Great University of the Human Body were responsible for the eco disaster that have plagued us. They were completely natural phenomena that could never have been prevented! of course, when we were in his presence, the Oracle pretended that all he said was that we were only fools who hastened the process but I know that our great Pharaoh will not have relived us of our duties without someone feeding him evil lies I plan to stage a protest outside the university tomorrow. I should probably fast unto death. On second thought, a good speech about the Oracle should do instead.

DoS #1

The Oracle had the presence of mind to send for hunters when Pharaoh sent for the animals.

As soon as Pharaoh agreed, he went outside and set off a firework, a single red globe high in the sky soon there were many like it on all the hills around us, and from what we hear, all over Egypt. Within a week, the hunters had dealt with all the foul wild beasts and restored balance. They are scary people and not the kind I would like to befriend. But at least they are human, and won't harm us.

DoS #2

I can scarcely believe it We built all seven monuments! A month ago I thought it was impossible. A week ago, I scarcely thought it could be. But today I saw all seven with my own eyes! This is a great day for us. We have shown that we can master the seven disciplines and are worthy of survival.

RSO #1

My colleagues and I, who are scientists at the Great University of the Human Body, are making great strides in classifying the large number of new species of flora that are now thriving and spreading throughout Egypt. We are now recruiting biologists and herbologists to help with this cause. Please volunteer, or as a last resort, apply for a paid position at your local University of Human Body. We need all the help we can get. Remember: Egypt's plant population classification needs you!

RSO #2

The delegates at last talked to Pharaoh today. I stood among the Pharaoh's council as they asked for help about the unmanageable herds of cattle and other animals, and their overgrazing causing vast tracts of our fertile plains to turn to deserts. The council from the Great University of the Human Body met in private with the Pharaoh.

They recommended that he bring carnivores from the deep jungles to combat this new menace. Pharaoh agreed despite my misgivings. We have no right to play God. This may have consequences beyond anything that we may dream. I hope I am wrong.

Karnak #1

Another day at the library studying our recent history. Life must have been wonderful. Such excitement to explore new lands. to discover the wondrous secrets that Nature held out. It makes me think. Do we now lead a life any more fulfilling than those of ants? All we do is mechanically attend our chores each day. We have all we need. We seek nothing. Is this the perfection people strived for?

Karnak #2

I have never seen people looking like this, with thin, drawn faces, haggard bodies, and hungry eyes. The only time I remember my parents say is when they and a large group of friends stood all in black and were lighting candles for someone who went to a better place. And that was nothing like this. Anywhere you look, you see someone too weak to even cry. Every step we take, we see dried forests burning, we hear hungry animals howling, and we smell death.

We have heard from our friends and neighbors about their farmlands up the Nile. My wife and I plan to move there as soon as we can save up enough for the journey. This is no fit place to raise our children. It is not just us who think like this; everyone I know plans to make the journey, Only the most eccentric wish to remain. They say that this is their land and they will never leave it. How can you love a land that kills you?

Tablet Order

I have tried to place most of the tablets in order. Feel free to comment and/or edit :) -- Cappu

  1. UN#2 conflict monument; Old man not finished
  2. DoS#2 T1 7 monuments built [moved ahead of fish, because Stranger did not start elixir until after the 7th monument was completed*]
  3. ND#2 fish caught
  4. LN#1 Nile bounty.
  5. Karnak#1 Perfect society/stagnation [as Cappu guessed, "after 7 monuments, before problems." *]
  6. Sinai#1 Big bloomy
  7. ND#1 Sheep pox saved
  8. RSO#1 Plant classifcation [next one (vok #2)talks about task being too great*]
  9. Vok#2 Agree to introduce herbivores
  10. CotS#1 Herbis eating crops
  11. UN#1 Herbivores a problem
  12. RSO#2 Agree to introduce Carnivores
  13. Karnak#2 Howling animals, migration under way.
  14. PB#2 Last part of migration
  15. VoK#1 Hunters Hired
  16. DoS#1 Hunters activated by Oracle
  17. LN#2 Carnivores
  18. CotS#2 Fewer people
  19. FP#1 Old man gives up
  20. Sinai#2 Old man dies
  21. PB#1 Hope for the future; animals under control

These I am uncertain where belongs, exactly --- Cappu

  * Changes made by Haqikah
Reading Order Hopefully.

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Last edited April 16, 2006 1:08 pm by Zatarg (diff)