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When you click on a person, there are various titles visible on their player menu in addition to their guild affliations. Some of these are related to the Tests and some to other accomplishments.


Standard titles

Test related titles

A rank that is not displayed is "Initiate of <Discipline>" (has completed the Initiation into <Discipline>) which the system tracks, but does not display.

The highest possible rank would be Oracle of Seven, something that is effectively impossible to achieve.

For (probably incomplete) lists of who has passed what, see Disciplines.

Legacy titles

People that played in Tale1 have legacy titles reflecting the rank they achieved there, e.g.

Playername, Student of Two
Grandson/Granddaughter, Pharaoh's Oracle of Worship.

would mean that player was currently a Student of Two and had been an Oracle of Worship in Tale1. They also had to have an active account at the end of Tale1 for the title to carry over. A list of people with this title for the purposes of the Meet the People I challenge may be found at Oracle Grandchildren.

Titles granted by laws

A few rare people have unique titles granted by laws.

Both of those were granted in Tale1 and carried over to Tale2.

Titles granted by events

Currently, there are three such titles.

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Last edited September 25, 2005 3:33 pm by kaayru (diff)