The purpose of this page is to define all of the environmental and ecological variables.
Look to the Pollution Map for areas known to suffer from one ailment or another.
Look to the Experiments page for experiments in reversing pollution.
This is the variable groundwater for a location. When an action affects groundwater it has a degree (such as how much +/- to change) and a distance (how far to change it).
Test groundwater level; Ecology lvl 3 - dried flax.
- Modified by:
- Harvesting vegetables
- Initial test took around 1100 onion harvests to take groundwater from 100 to 0.
- Things effected:
Definative Groundwater
This is the natural groundwater of the area (i.e. before any player interaction.)
Test groundwater level; Ecology lvl 3 - dried flax.
- Modified by:
- Nothing.. thus the definative part. It is probably depedant upon the type of terrian, elvation and distance from nearest body of water.
- Things effected:
Again, the variable acidity.
Test for acidity; Ecology lvl 2 - soil + cabbage juice.
- Modified by:
- Have not researched.
- This appears to be affected by use of certain fertilizers; more research is required. - Japto
- Things effected:
- Cabbage yield (Cabbage lake in LN has 3975 and yield 31 cabbage)
Definative Acidity
This is the natural acidity of the area (i.e. before any player interaction.)
Test acidity level; Ecology lvl 2 - soil + cabbage.
- Dependant upon:
- Things effected:
Another ingredient of fertilizer, and a requirement for fertile soil. (note: in the real world, this is also caused growth of algae in lakes and streams, and can be a real problem.)
Test phosphorus level; Ecology lvl 4 - beetle.
- Modified by:
- Unknown (Suspect growing flax affects this. If I grow 15k flax in one spot, the yields starts dropping. I will test more when I get Ecology - Wolfling)
- Low levels of phosphorus (below 90) have been shown to cause reduced flax yields.
Pollution, Heavy metals
This is the pollution from mines in Tale 1, currently unknown what it will be in Tale 2. Flax will not grow with too much pollution.
Test for heavy metal polution; Ecology lvl 1 - Soil + Water + Tadpole
- Modified by:
- Things effected:
It's soot. Soot and ash are what fires make. Raeli Ovens produce a lot of soot as well.
Test soot level; Ecology lvl 5 - papyrus paper + cactus sap.
- Modifed by:
- charcoal braziers, forges
- Things effected:
That has to deal with salt.. if you have not figured out the pattern this can be affected by players.
- Modified by:
- Things effected:
Definative Salinity
- Dependant upon:
- I'm just going to take a guess that around the Nile is not salty.. as it is fresh-water until it becomes and estuary with the Mediterrian. The Red Sea is decently salty, while the Med is the saltiest body of water iirc.
- Things effected:
A simple element used by plants, common in fertilizer. Have you heard of a water cycle? Well there is a nitrogen cycle too.. it is that important.
- Modified by:
- Camel pens and sheep pens
Nitrogen and more
As mentioned directly above the water cycle or more specifically the "nitrogen cycle" has to do with specific bacteria that break down waste. Namely, ammonia (fish waste and decaying plant waste and possibly in this game animal waste leakage into water sources) is broken down by bacteria called nitrosomonas that oxidize it into nitrite. Nitrite is then oxidized into nitrate by another bacteria called nitrobacter. These two types of bacteria are referred to as "nitrifying bacteria," and live on surfaces in the water source, such as plant stems, rocks and even on the fish themselves. They require oxygen in order to live, e.g. a moving water source. Nitrate is eliminated by "denitrifying bacteria" that live in the bottom mud. These mud dwellers are anaerobic bacteria that die in the presence of oxygen, and, as they do their work converting nitrate to free nitrogen, also release hydrogen sulfide and methane gases - the swamp smell. It must be noted that algae also performs many of these tasks itself by naturally spreading via the wind and of course throught water itself, but also creates harms of it's own - including it's own by decaying. This in turn produces more ammonia. Ammonia is the worst enemy of fish the second being nitrate the third nitrate. Sorry to rant...
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- Things effected:
Cleaned up a bit of the headers and such. I don't believe any of this is known or viewable in T2, so most of this is T1 knowledge?
Depends on how you define 'viewable'. I ripped it from the client. - Diotima